- badminton

- badminton: [19] The game of ‘battledore and shuttlecock’ has been around for some time (it appears to go back to the 16th century; the word battledore, which may come ultimately from Portuguese batedor ‘beater’, first turns up in the 15th century, meaning ‘implement for beating clothes when washing them’, but by the 16th century is being used for a ‘small racket’; while shuttlecock, so named because it is hit back and forth, first appears in the early 16th century, in a poem of John Skelton’s).
This was usually a fairly informal, improvised affair, however, and latterly played mainly by children; the modern, codified game of badminton did not begin until the 1860s or 1870s, and takes its name from the place where it was apparently first played, Badminton House, Avon, country seat of the dukes of Beaufort. (A slightly earlier application of the word badminton had been to a cooling summer drink, a species of claret cup.)
- badminton (n.)

- 1874, from Badminton House, name of Gloucestershire estate of the Duke of Beaufort, where the game first was played in England, mid-19c., having been picked up by British officers from Indian poona. The place name is Old English Badimyncgtun (972), "estate of (a man called) Baduhelm."
badminton:['bædmɪnt(ə)n] n.羽毛球运动
shuttlecock:['ʃʌt(ə)lkɒk] n.羽毛球,毽子
racket: ['rækɪt] n.(网球或羽毛球)球拍
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:badminton 词源,badminton 含义。
因起源于英国Duke of Beaufort Badminton庄园而得名。Badmin, 人名。-ton, 城镇,庄园,同town.
羽毛球运动是19世纪时由印度传人英国的,很可能是古老的儿童板羽球发展而来。驻印度英国军官喜欢在室外打这种球,遂使它得以传播。英国波弗特公爵(the Duke of Beaufort)在格洛斯特郡(Gloucestershire)有个庄园叫Badminton。据说羽毛球运动在1873年发源于此,故英语称badminton。