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- blunderbus

- blunderbus: [17] Blunderbus was originally Dutch donderbus (literally ‘thundergun’), and its transformation is due to folk etymology: the unfamiliar donder was replaced by the English word blunder, perhaps with some reference to the fact that, with its wide muzzle, it is capable only of fairly random firing. The second part of the word (which also occurs in arquebus) is ultimately related to box, Dutch bus or buis being not just a ‘box’ but also a ‘tube’, and hence a ‘gun’. There is no connection with the 20thcentury thunderbox, a colloquial term for a ‘portable loo’.
在竞选中亲吻婴儿的做法在美国由来已久。其目的显然是为了在公众中树立友好可亲的形象,争取更多的选票。按字面义来讲,baby-kisser 一词是“亲吻婴儿的人”,其真正含义是指为竞选而到处笼络人心的政客。该词在1884年美国总统选举时就已见诸使用。当时作为总统候选人之一的政治家巴特勒(Benjamin Butler 1818 - 1893)在竞选中惨败,一家报纸评论道:“As a baby-kisser,Ben Butler is not a success.”
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:baby-kisser 词源,baby-kisser 含义。