- babel

- babel: [14] According to Genesis 11: 1–9, the tower of Babel was built in Shinar by the descendants of Noah in an attempt to reach heaven. Angered at their presumption, God punished the builders by making them unable to understand each other’s speech: hence, according to legend, the various languages of the world. Hence, too, the metaphorical application of babel to a ‘confused medley of sounds’, which began in English in the 16th century.
The word has no etymological connection with ‘language’ or ‘noise’, however. The original Assyrian bāb-ilu meant ‘gate of god’, and this was borrowed into Hebrew as bābel (from which English acquired the word). The later Greek version is Babylon.
=> babylon - Babel

- capital of Babylon, late 14c., from Hebrew Babhel (Gen. xi), from Akkadian bab-ilu "Gate of God" (from bab "gate" + ilu "god"). The name is a translation of Sumerian Ka-dingir. Meaning "confused medley of sounds" (1520s) is from the biblical story of the Tower of Babel.
Babel:['bebl] 巴别塔,通天塔,巴比伦
babel:['bebl] n.嘈杂声
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:babel 词源,babel 含义。
来自希伯来语,传说中通往上天之门。bab, 门。ilu, 神,词源同Allah.
源出基督教《圣经》。据其首卷《创世纪》所载,Babel原为一城市名。大洪水后诺亚的后代拟在此建一高塔直通天庭,上帝怒其狂妄,使建塔者突操不同之语言,彼此互不相通。此通天塔因此终未建成,而人类则散居世界各地。这段神话似乎意在说明人类语言纷杂的原因。babel 一词到了英语中也据此被赋予了“嘈杂混乱的地方”、“嘈杂声”、“空想的计划”等义。该词的终极词源是阿卡得语( Akkadian)bab-ili,其义为gate of the gods(神门)。阿卡得语乃古巴比伦王国的一种语言。但是babel却是从希伯来语借来的。其实圣经中的Babel与Babylon(巴比伦)指的乃是同一个城市。只是Babylon一词通过希腊语进入英语,所以词形不同,其引申义也截然不同,它常用以喻指“奢华淫靡的城市”。