- atom

- atom: [16] Etymologically, atom means ‘not cut, inpisible’. Greek átomos ‘that which cannot be pided up any further’ was formed from the negative prefix a- ‘not’ and the base *tom- ‘cut’ (source also of English anatomy and tome), and was applied in the Middle Ages not just to the smallest imaginable particle of matter, but also to the smallest imaginable pision of time; an hour contained 22,560 atoms.
Its use by classical writers on physics and philosophy, such as Democritus and Epicurus, was sustained by medieval philosophers, and the word was ready and waiting for 19th-century chemists when they came to describe and name the smallest unit of an element, composed of a nucleus surrounded by electrons.
=> anatomy, tome - atom (n.)

- late 15c., as a hypothetical inpisible body, the building block of the universe, from Latin atomus (especially in Lucretius) "inpisible particle," from Greek atomos "uncut, unhewn; inpisible," from a- "not" + tomos "a cutting," from temnein "to cut" (see tome). An ancient term of philosophical speculation (in Leucippus, Democritus), revived 1805 by British chemist John Dalton. In late classical and medieval use also a unit of time, 22,560 to the hour. Atom bomb is from 1945 as both a noun and a verb; compare atomic.
在希腊语中,原子被称作atomos,由a(not)+tomos(cut)构成,意思就是“不可分割)。后来这个词进入英语,演变为atom。 当然,现在我们知道原子并非不可分割,比原子更小的是夸克。
atom: ['ætəm] n.原子
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:atom 词源,atom 含义。
前缀a-, 不,非。词根tom, 切,见anatomy. 因古代哲学观念认为原子是最小的不可切分单位而得名。
古人关于原子的概念不同于现代科学所说的原子。古代哲学家将小得不能再分割的物质微粒称为原子。这一概念是公元前5世纪古希腊哲学家德谟克利特( Democritus,460 -370BC)首先提出的。用以表示“原于”的atom 一词系源自希腊语atomos‘inpisible’(不可分的),由a-‘without’和tomos‘a cutting’合成。现代科学早已发现了原子的奥妙,原子本身是一个小小的微观世界,还可以分成更小的粒子。虽然原子的含义已发生了变化,但人们至今仍沿用atom 一词称之。
古希腊人认为,特质是不可能无限止地分割下去的,越分越小,最后小到不可再分。他们把“原子”叫做atomos:a即“not”;tomos ,“cut”意即“不能再分割”以后这个词在英语中演变为atom.尽管后来发现“原子”并非“不可再分割”,然而约定俗成,“原子”的名字仍然以atom流传下来。
词根词缀: a-否定 + -tom-切割 → 原子曾被认为是不能再被分割的微粒