- atmosphere

- atmosphere: [17] Etymologically, atmosphere means ‘ball of vapour’. It was coined as modern Latin atmosphaera from Greek atmós ‘vapour’ (related to áein ‘blow’, ultimate source of English air) and sphaira ‘sphere’. Its original application was not, as we would now understand it, to the envelope of air encompassing the Earth, but to a mass of gas exhaled from and thus surrounding a planet; indeed, in the first record of the word’s use in English, in 1638, it was applied to the Moon, which of course is now known to have no atmosphere. The denotation of the word moved forward with the development of meteorological knowledge.
=> air, sphere - atmosphere (n.)

- 1630s, atmosphaera (modern form from 1670s), from Modern Latin atmosphaera, from atmo-, comb. form of Greek atmos "vapor, steam" + spharia "sphere" (see sphere). Greek atmos is from PIE *awet-mo-, from root *wet- (1) "to blow" (also "to inspire, spiritually arouse;" see wood (adj.)). First used in English in connection with the Moon, which, as it turns out, practically doesn't have one.
It is observed in the solary eclipses, that there is sometimes a great trepidation about the body of the moon, from which we may likewise argue an atmosphaera, since we cannot well conceive what so probable a cause there should be of such an appearance as this, Quod radii solares a vaporibus lunam ambitntibus fuerint intercisi, that the sun-beams were broken and refracted by the vapours that encompassed the moon. [Rev. John Wilkins, "Discovery of New World or Discourse tending to prove that it probable there may be another World in the Moon," 1638]
Figurative sense of "surrounding influence, mental or moral environment" is c. 1800.
在17世纪时期,一些科学家在观测日食时,发现位于太阳之前的月亮的边缘并不固定, 而是在不停抖动和变化,就像蒸汽一样在翻滚流动。因此他们认为月亮的周围包裹有一圈蒸汽,并把它叫做atmosphere,由atmos(蒸 汽)+sphere(球体)构成,字面意思就是“蒸汽球”。后来,科学家在描述包裹星球的大气层时就沿用了atmosphere这个单词。虽然科学家最后 发现月球上几乎没有大气层,但atmosphere一词已经广泛应用与气象学和天文学中,并且逐步超越科学领域,在日常生活中用来表示“气氛”。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:atmosphere 词源,atmosphere 含义。
词根atmo, 大气,蒸气。sphere, 球体。
词根词缀: 希腊语atmos蒸汽 + -spher-球