- atlas

- atlas: [16] In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who as a punishment for rebelling against the gods was forced to carry the heavens on his shoulders. Hence when the term was first used in English it was applied to a ‘supporter’: ‘I dare commend him to all that know him, as the Atlas of Poetry’, Thomas Nashe on Robert Greene’s Menaphon 1589. In the 16th century it was common to include a picture of Atlas with his onerous burden as a frontispiece in books of maps, and from this arose the habit of referring to such books as atlases (the application is sometimes said to have arisen specifically from such a book produced in the late 16th century by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator (1512–94), published in England in 1636 under the title Atlas).
Atlas also gave his name to the Atlantic ocean. In ancient myth, the heavens were said to be supported on a high mountain in northwestern Africa, represented as, and now named after, the Titan Atlas. In its Greek adjectival form Atlantikós (later Latin Atlanticus) it was applied to the seas immediately to the west of Africa, and gradually to the rest of the ocean as it came within the boundaries of the known world.
=> atlantic - Atlas

- 1580s, Titan, son of Iapetus and Clymene, supposed to uphold the pillars of heaven, which was his punishment for being the war leader of the Titans in the struggle with the Olympian gods. The name in Greek perhaps means "The Bearer (of the Heavens)," from a-, copulative prefix, + stem of tlenai "to bear," from PIE root *tele- "to lift, support, weigh." Mount Atlas, in Mauritania, was important in Greek cosmology as a support of the heavens.
- atlas (n.)

- "collection of maps in a volume," 1636, first in reference to the English translation of "Atlas, sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi" (1585) by Flemish geographer Gerhardus Mercator (1512-1594), who might have been the first to use this word in this way. A picture of the Titan Atlas holding up the world appeared on the frontispiece of this and other early map collections.
阿特拉斯(Atlas)是希腊神话中的擎天神。他属于泰坦神族,是十二泰坦神之一的 伊阿珀托斯(Iapetus)的儿子,“盗火者”普罗米修斯的哥哥。泰坦神族被奥林巴斯神族打败后,参与反叛的阿特拉斯被宙斯惩罚,被迫在世界的西边以双 肩擎住被放逐的天神乌拉诺斯,以免他返回地面与大地女神盖亚做爱。
传说大英雄赫拉克勒斯受命去盗金苹果时,特意请阿特拉斯帮忙,因为看守金苹果的三姐 妹是阿特拉斯的女儿。为了让阿特拉斯去盗金苹果,赫拉克勒斯自告奋勇替阿特拉斯擎天。等到成功盗取金苹果后,阿特拉斯却反悔不想擎天了,于是跟赫拉克勒斯 商量说等他把金苹果交给赫拉后再回来接替他。聪明的赫拉克勒斯看穿了阿特拉斯的意图,假装同意,但要求阿特拉斯先替他扛一会儿,他去找个垫肩垫在肩上。等 阿特拉斯接过苍天后,赫拉克勒斯捡起金苹果,一溜烟就跑了。
Atlantic:[æt'læntɪk] n.大西洋。
Atlanta:[æt'læntə] n.亚特兰大,大西洋城。
Atlantis:[ət'læntis] n.亚特兰蒂斯,传说中神秘消失于大西洋的古老大陆大西洲。
atlantean:[,ætlæn'ti:ən] adj.力大无比的,亚特兰蒂斯岛的
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:atlas 词源,atlas 含义。
泰坦巨人Atlas,与宙斯争位战败,被罚手撑天柱,因出现在早期的地图册上而得名。词源同词根tol, 举起,见extol, 抬举,赞美。
在希腊神话中,Atlas是泰坦神族(Titans)巨神之一,因为反抗主神宙斯(Zeus)而被罚站在金苹果园(Hesperides)附近,以双肩顶天。据说位于北非的阿特拉斯山脉(the Atlas Mountains)就是因这一传说而得名的。16世纪佛兰芒地图学家墨卡托(G. Mercaror,1512 - 1594)采用了Atlas擎天图作为一本名为Atlas的地图册的卷首插图(frontispiece),该地图册在他逝世后一年即1595年正式出版。据说这在16世纪曾经风靡一时,凡地图册几乎都在书名页上印上这幅图,尔后它又频频出现在学校地理教科书的封面上。久而久之,atlas便由专有名词演变为普通名词,并被赋予了我们今天还在使用的词义:“地图册”。
1595年,比利时地理学家和制图家Gerardus Mercator第一次在他的一册地图集的卷首使用了atlas作为地图集的书名,并绘有Atlas肩负地球的形象就流传开来。
非洲北部摩洛哥境内有一座山脉,叫做“阿特拉斯山脉”据希腊神话传说,就是大力神Atlas变的,因此叫Atlas Mounrain。
浩瀚的大西洋的名字也是从Atlas的名字来的,叫做the Atlantic Ocean.其中的Atlantic就是Atlas的形容词,意思是“巨大无比的”。