- arsenal

- arsenal: [16] The word arsenal has a complicated history, stretching back through Italian to Arabic. The Arabic original was dāras- sinā‘ah, literally ‘house of the manufacture’. This seems to have been borrowed into Venetian Italian, somehow losing its initial d, as arzaná, and been applied specifically to the large naval dockyard in Venice (which in the 15th century was the leading naval power in the Mediterranean).
The dockyard is known to this day as the Arzenale, showing the subsequent addition of the -al ending. English acquired the word either from Italian or from French arsenal, and at first used it only for dockyards (‘making the Arsenal at Athens, able to receive 1000 ships’, Philemon Holland’s translation of Pliny’s Natural history 1601); but by the end of the 16th century it was coming into more general use as a ‘military storehouse’.
The English soccer club Arsenal gets its name from its original home in Woolwich, south London, where there used to be a British government arsenal.
- arsenal (n.)

- c. 1500, "dockyard, dock with naval stores," from Italian arzenale, from Arabic dar as-sina'ah "workshop," literally "house of manufacture," from dar "house" + sina'ah "art, craft, skill," from sana'a "he made."
Applied by the Venetians to a large wharf in their city, which was the earliest reference of the English word. Sense of "public place for making or storing weapons and ammunition" is from 1570s. The London football club (1886) was named for the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, where the original players worked.
英语单词arsenal的初始源头是阿拉伯语 dar-as-sina,意思是“制造车间”。在15世纪时,该词广泛流传于地中海周边多个国家中,西班牙语和意大利语都借用了它,拼写为darsena,用来表示“船坞”、“码头”。当时在威尼斯,有一个规模巨大的造船厂。威尼斯人将darsena改头换尾,改写为arzenale,用来表示这个造船厂。该词进入英语后,拼写改为arsenal,含义也发生了变化,用来表示船坞中用来存放海军装备和武器的仓库,后来又泛化为任何各种军械库和兵工厂。
1886年,一群来自伦敦市伍尔维奇区的皇家兵工厂(Royal Arsenal)的工人组建了一支足球俱乐部,这就是后来著名的英超俱乐部“阿森纳”(Arsenal)。所以人们常称阿森纳队为“兵工厂”,并送外号“枪手”。
arsenal:['ɑrsənl] n.兵工厂,军械库
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:arsenal 词源,arsenal 含义。
发音释义:['ɑrsənl] n. 兵工厂,军械库
词源解释:arsenal←阿拉伯语dar as-sina'ah(制造车间)。在15世纪时,该词广泛流传于地中海周边多个国家中,西班牙语和意大利语都借用了它,拼写为darsena,用来表示“船坞”、“码头”。当时在威尼斯有一个规模巨大的造船厂,其名称也来源于此,叫做arzenale。该词进入英语后,拼写改为arsenal,含义也发生了变化,用来表示船坞中用来存放海军装备和武器的仓库,后来又泛化为任何各种军械库和兵工厂。
实用知识:英国足球俱乐部“阿森纳队”(Arsenal),由来自伦敦伍尔维奇区皇家兵工厂(royal arsenal)的工人们创建,故此得名,外号为“兵工厂”、“枪手”。
来自阿拉伯语dar as-sina’ah. dar, 仓库。sina’ah,技艺,制造。进入意大利语指军火库。同英国阿森纳球队。
约在公元15世纪末或16世纪初,威尼斯有个庞大的海军造船厂,威尼斯人都称之为Arzana,参观者在那里经常可以看到二三百艘军舰及大量船用物料( ship’s stores),故而遐迩闻名。据Arzana产生了意大利词arsenale,英语arsenal即由此而来,最初也指“造船厂”,到16世纪末转指“兵工厂”、“军械库”。若再进而追根溯源,我们即可发现Arzana源于阿拉伯语dar-al-sinah‘workshop’(工场,车间)。伦敦有一直老幼皆知的足球队也取名Arsena1(阿森纳,是英格兰顶级联赛英格兰超级联赛二十个足球俱乐部之一),绰号Gunners(炮手),因其俱乐部原先设在伦敦东部的Woolwich Arsenal(伍利芝兵工厂),故而得名。