- arrowroot

- arrowroot: [17] Arrowroot, a tropical American plant with starchy tubers, gets its name by folk etymology, the process whereby an unfamiliar foreign word is reformulated along lines more accessible to the speakers of a language. In this case the word in question was aru-aru, the term used by the Arawak Indians of South America for the plant (meaning literally ‘meal of meals’). English-speakers adapted this to arrowroot because the root of the plant was used by the Indians to heal wounds caused by poisoned arrows.
- arrowroot (n.)

- 1690s, from arrow + root (n.). So called because it was used to absorb toxins from poison-dart wounds.
arrow, 箭。root, 根。因古代弓箭多涂毒,该植物以解毒。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:arrowroot 词源,arrowroot 含义。
该词源于南美印第安人阿拉瓦克语(Arawakan)aruaru‘meal of meals’(餐中之餐)。这是一种热带植物,可能原产于圭亚那和巴西西部,其块茎含淀粉量高,不仅是印第安人的一种普通食物来源,而且常被用作解毒药,治疗箭伤,因而早期的英国殖民者就把原名读音近似于arrow(箭)又和arrow有联系的这种植物称作arrowroot,汉语作“竹竽(粉)”。