- apprehend

- apprehend: [14] The underlying notion in apprehend is of ‘seizing’ or ‘grasping’; it comes ultimately from the Latin verb prehendere ‘seize’ (source also of comprehend, predatory, and prehensile). Latin apprehendere ‘lay hold of’, formed with the prefix ad-, developed the metaphorical meaning ‘seize with the mind’ – that is, ‘learn’; and that was the earliest meaning apprehend had in English when it was borrowed either directly from Latin or via French appréhender: John de Trevisa, for instance, in his translation of De proprietatibus rerum 1398 writes ‘he holds in mind … without forgetting, all that he apprehends’.
More familiar modern senses, such as ‘arrest’ and ‘understand’, followed in the 16th century. A contracted form of the Latin verb, apprendere, became Old French aprendre, modern French apprendre ‘learn’. This provided the basis for the derivative aprentis ‘someone learning’, from which English gets apprentice [14]; and its past participle appris, in the causative sense ‘taught’, was the source of English apprise [17].
The chief modern meaning of the derived noun apprehension, ‘fear’, arose via the notion of ‘grasping something with the mind’, then ‘forming an idea of what will happen in the future’, and finally ‘anticipation of something unpleasant’.
=> apprentice, comprehend, impregnable, predatory, prehensile - apprehend (v.)

- mid-14c., "to grasp in the senses or mind," from Old French aprendre (12c.) "teach; learn; take, grasp; acquire," or directly from Latin apprehendere "to take hold of, grasp," from ad- "to" + prehendere "to seize" (see prehensile). Metaphoric extension to "seize with the mind" took place in Latin, and was the sole sense of cognate Old French aprendre (Modern French apprendre "to learn, to be informed about;" also compare apprentice). Original sense returned in English in meaning "to seize in the name of the law, arrest," recorded from 1540s, which use probably was taken directly from Latin. Related: Apprehended; apprehending.
发音释义:[æprɪ'hend] vt. 理解;逮捕;忧虑vi. 理解;担心
结构分析:apprehend = ap(=ad,去)+ prehend(抓住)→理解(抓住其含义)、逮捕、忧虑(心思被不好的事占据)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:apprehend 词源,apprehend 含义。
前缀ap-同ad-. 前缀pre, 在前。词根hend, 得到,抓住,词源同get.
来源于拉丁语动词prehendere(抓住),也是英语predatory的词源。拉丁语apprehendere(抓住,了解),由前缀ap-和prehendere复合而成,其潜在的意义为“用记忆抓住”,即“学习”。拉丁语动词apprehendere(抓住,了解)的缩写形式apprendere进入古法语为aprendre,在现代法语中为apprendre(学习),其派生词aprentis(学习着的人)进入英语为apprentice(学徒); 法语apprendre(学习)的过去分词appris(被教的)是英语apprise的词源。
词根词缀: ap-临近 + -prehend-抓住
同源词:predatory, apprentice, apprise