- apostle

- apostle: [OE] Apostle was an early borrowing into Old English from Latin, and like angel it originally meant ‘messenger’. Latin apostolus came from Greek apóstolos ‘messenger’, or literally ‘someone sent out’; this was a compound formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb stéllein ‘send’ (related to English stall and local). The Old English form, apostol, was gradually replaced from the 12th century by apostle, from Old French apostle.
=> epistle, local, stall - apostle (n.)

- Old English apostol "messenger," especially the 12 witnesses sent forth by Jesus to preach his Gospel, from Late Latin apostolus, from Greek apostolos "messenger, person sent forth," from apostellein "send away, send forth," from apo- "from" (see apo-) + stellein in its secondary sense of "to send," from PIE *stel-yo-, suffixed form of root *stel- "to put, stand," with derivatives referring to a standing object or place (see stall (n.1)). Compare epistle.
The current form of the word, predominant since 16c., is influenced by Old French apostle (12c.), from the same Late Latin source. Figurative sense of "chief advocate of a new principle or system" is from 1810. Apostles, short for "The Acts and Epistles of the Apostles," is attested from c. 1400.
耶稣创立基督教后,从追随者中挑选了一些人作为自己的门徒和传教助手。耶稣殉难后, 他的门徒们继承了耶稣的衣钵,背井离乡,分散到各地传播基督教福音。尤其是外邦人保罗加入后,基督教向外邦人敞开了大门,允许外邦人加入且无需承认犹太教 的教义、无需行犹太割礼。自此,基督教脱离了原来所依附的犹太教,开始自立门户,最终成为了世界三大宗教之一。最早传播福音的首批信徒为基督教的发展做出 了巨大贡献和牺牲,大部分人都在传播福音的过程中献出了自己的生命。在基督教中,这些首批传道者被称为apostle(使徒),该词来自希腊语 apostolos(使者),由apo(away from,远离)+ stellein(send,差遣)构成,字面意思就是“受差遣者、使者”。
apostle:[ə'pɒs(ə)l] n.使徒,最初的传道者
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:apostle 词源,apostle 含义。
前缀apo-, 从,从...离开。词根st, 站,衍生义送出,可能来自于一种哲学思想,经历磨难才难站得更稳,同epistle, 书信。特指耶稣传道的十二门徒。
apostle源自希腊语apostolos‘messenger’(使者),是通过《新约全书》(The New Testament)进入英语词汇之中的。该词在《新约全书》里先后出现了80次。耶稣从门徒中选出十二人,派他们出去传布福音。他把这十二人称为apostles,这就是基督教所说耶稣的十二使徒。以后apostle也用以指早期的基督教传道士。但现在apostle已不再囿于宗教意义,词义已扩大为“(某一信仰或改革运动的)鼓吹者”或“倡导者”。