- anthem

- anthem: [OE] Anthem is ultimately an alteration of antiphon ‘scriptural verse said or sung as a response’ (which was independently reborrowed into English from ecclesiastical Latin in the 15th century). It comes from Greek antíphōnos ‘responsive’, a compound formed from anti- ‘against’ and phōné ‘sound’ (source of English phonetic, telephone, etc).
By the time it had become established in Old English, antiphon had already developed to antefn, and gradually the /v/ sound of the f became assimilated to the following n, producing antemne and eventually antem. The spelling with th begins to appear in the 15th century, perhaps influenced by Old French anthaine; it gradually altered the pronunciation.
The meaning ‘antiphon’ died out in the 18th century, having been succeeded by ‘piece of choral church music’ and more generally ‘song of praise’. The specific application to a ‘national song’ began in the 19th century.
=> antiphon, phonetic, telephone - anthem (n.)

- Old English ontemn, antefn, "a composition (in prose or verse) sung antiphonally," from Late Latin antefana, from Greek antiphona "verse response" (see antiphon). Sense evolved to "a composition set to sacred music" (late 14c.), then "song of praise or gladness" (1590s). Used in reference to the English national song (technically, as OED points out, a hymn) and extended to those of other nations. Modern spelling is from late 16c., perhaps an attempt to make the word look more Greek.
anthem最初是教堂里应答轮唱的圣歌。它和单词antiphon(轮流吟唱的歌)一样都来自希腊语antiphona。词根anti表示“against”或“in return”,phona是phone的变形,表示“sound”。这个词几经周折,最后演变成英语中的anthem,前三个字母ant还能依稀辨别出anti(in return)的痕迹。
anthem原本是教堂尤其是英格兰教堂在宗教仪式中所唱的圣歌,由唱诗班而不是会众来合唱。而在现代,anthem一词已经超越宗教领域,用来表示那种用于庆祝或为特定群体而作的歌曲,如national anthem就是“国歌”、 sports anthem(体育圣歌)就是大型体育赛会中所用的歌曲,如We Are the Champions(我们是冠军)就是一首非常出名的体育圣歌。
antiphon: ['æntɪf(ə)n] n.轮流吟唱的歌,对唱的圣歌
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:anthem 词源,anthem 含义。
发音释义:['ænθəm] n. 赞美诗;圣歌 vt. 唱圣歌庆祝;唱赞歌
结构分析:anthem =ant(对)+hem(歌唱)→对唱的歌→宗教颂歌→圣歌、赞歌
实用知识:国歌就是national anthem
趣味记忆:anthem = 谐音“安颂”→安心的颂歌→宗教颂歌
来自希腊词antiphona传入古英语的变体。前缀anti-, 相对。词根phone, 声音,歌。指对歌,神圣的音乐。后在英语里特指国歌。
anthem最初是教堂里应答轮唱的赞美诗歌,牧师领唱,唱诗班作答。它来自希腊语antiphona.其字面含义正是“应答轮唱”的意思,anti即“against”或“in return”,phone即“sound”,也就是“对歌”。这个词进入古英语时写做antefne.不过唱诗班取消了牧师的领唱。其拼法几经演变,最后才成为今天的anthem.现在唱圣歌更简单了,成了教堂中全体会众的大合唱。另外,anthem现在还可用来指“国歌”、“校歌”。