- amok

- amok: [17] Amok is Malayan in origin, where it is an adjective, amoq, meaning ‘fighting frenziedly’. Its first brief brush with English actually came in the early 16th century, via Portuguese, which had adopted it as a noun, amouco, signifying a ‘homicidally crazed Malay’. This sense persisted until the late 18th century, but by then the phrase run amok, with all its modern connotations, was well established, and has since taken over the field entirely. The spelling amuck has always been fairly common, reflecting the word’s pronunciation.
- amok (adv.)

- in verbal phrase run amok first recorded 1670s, from Malay amuk "attacking furiously." Earlier the word was used as a noun or adjective meaning "a frenzied Malay," originally in the Portuguese form amouco or amuco.
There are some of them [the Javanese] who ... go out into the streets, and kill as many persons as they meet. ... These are called Amuco. ["The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and Their Inhabitants," c. 1516, English translation]
Compare amuck.
英语单词amok源自马来语amuk,指人在精神恍惚的状态下疯狂屠杀陌生人,即所谓的“杀人狂”。16世纪时,荷兰殖民者到达马六甲等地时,就发现当地时有这种在大街上胡乱杀人的现象,并将当地人对这种现象的称呼(amuk)翻译为荷兰语amouco或amuco,并记载在文献中。18世纪,英国航海家库克船长在马来西亚小岛上也发现了这种现象,并在自己的航海日志中予以记载。从此后,根据马来语amuk的发音产生了英语单词amok或amuck,最初用来表示“在癫狂状态下胡乱杀人的马来人”,因为早期荷兰和英国殖民者的记载使很多人认为这种现象只发生在马来西亚。后来,为了避免种族歧视,该词与马来人之间的联系逐渐淡化,并且常用于固定搭配run amok。
amok:[ə'mɒk] adj. adv.杀人狂的,狂乱的
run amok:乱砍乱杀,胡作非为
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:amok 词源,amok 含义。