- ammonia

- ammonia: [18] Ammonia gets its name ultimately from Amon, or Amen, the Egyptian god of life and reproduction. Near the temple of Amon in Libya were found deposits of ammonium chloride, which was hence named sal ammoniac – ‘salt of Amon’. The gas nitrogen hydride is derived from sal ammoniac, and in 1782 the Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman coined the term ammonia for it.
- ammonia (n.)

- 1799, Modern Latin, coined 1782 by Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman (1735-1784) for gas obtained from sal ammoniac, salt deposits containing ammonium chloride found near temple of Jupiter Ammon (from Egyptian God Amun) in Libya, from Greek ammoniakos "belonging to Ammon." The shrine was ancient already in Augustus' day, and the salts were prepared "from the sands where the camels waited while their masters prayed for good omens" [Shipley].
There also was a gum form of sal ammoniac, from a wild plant that grew near the shrine, and across North Africa and Asia. A less likely theory traces the name to Greek Armeniakon "Armenian," because the substance also was found in Armenia. Also known as spirit of hartshorn and volatile or animal alkali.
阿蒙神Ammon是古埃及的一个主神,相当于古希腊神话中的宙斯和古罗马神话中的朱 庇特。它的名字在埃及语中的含义是“隐藏者”。最初,阿蒙神仅仅是尼罗河东岸城市底比斯(Thebes)的地方神祇。到了古埃及十一王朝时,由于王室家族 来自底比斯,因此阿蒙神的地位得到极大提高。在第十二王朝时,阿蒙神的名字甚至进入了国王的名字之中。当底比斯的第十七王朝赶走了希克索人后,阿蒙神作为 皇家城市的神祇被重新突显出来。十八王朝之后,阿蒙神开始成为埃及普遍承认的神,排挤掉原有神祗如太阳神“瑞”(Re),成为创造万物的主神。人们在很多 地方修建了宏伟的阿蒙神殿。
在古罗马时期,人们在利比亚的一座阿蒙神殿附件发现了一种矿物质。古罗马人将其命名为sal ammoniac(salt of ammon),意思就是“阿蒙神之盐”。18世纪时,化学家从“阿蒙神之盐”中提取出一种新气体,因此将这种气体命名为ammonia,中文译为“氨”。
ammonia:[ə'məʊnɪə] n.(化学元素)氨,氨气,氨水,阿摩尼亚
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ammonia 词源,ammonia 含义。
因首次在埃及神Ammon神庙前的盐类沉积物发现而得名。-ia, 化学名称后缀。
该词的词源可以追溯到古埃及神Ammon/Amon(阿蒙神),在埃及语Ammon是the hidden one的意思。Ammon本是古埃及宗教所信奉的主神和太阳神,相当于希腊、罗马神话中的宙斯和朱庇特,但后来在希腊、罗马同宙斯、朱庇特混成一体,在斯巴达、罗马等地都有Ammon神庙。据说在利比亚的一座Ammon神庙附近发现了一种矿物质,罗马人根据Ammon 一词将之命名为sal ammoniac,意思是salt of Ammon,汉语作“硇砂”。此物固有多种用途故在古代被列为贸易品(article of trade)。1774年英国科学家普里斯特利(Joseph Priestley,1733 - 1804)把sal ammoniac和石灰放在一起加热,提取了一种新气体,他称之为alkaline air。七年之后,瑞典化学家贝格曼(Torbern Olaf Bergman.1735 - 1784)根据am moniac 一词将之正式命名为ammonia,汉语作“氨”,有时也音译为“阿摩尼亚”。嗣后,科学家们又将ammonia和后级-ine缩合成ammine(氨络的),amine(胺)以及aminoacid(氨基酸)这一复合词中的amino(氨基的)。Ammon这一词根经历了从埃及语到希腊语,再从拉丁语到英语的演变过程,原先的含义the hidden one如今已经全然丧失,不追根溯源,就不能把它从普通英语单词中发掘出来。