- amethyst

- amethyst: [13] The amethyst gets its name from a supposition in the ancient world that it was capable of preventing drunkenness. The Greek word for ‘intoxicate’ was methúskein, which was based ultimately on the noun methú ‘wine’ (source of English methyl, and related to English mead). The addition of the negative prefix a- ‘not’ produced the adjective améthustos, used in the phrase líthos améthustos ‘anti-intoxicant stone’. This was borrowed as a noun into Latin (amethystus), and ultimately into Old French as ametiste. English took it over and in the 16th century re-introduced the -th- spelling of the Latin word.
=> mead, methyl - amethyst (n.)

- violet quartz, late 13c., ametist, from Old French ametiste (Modern French améthyste) and directly from Medieval Latin amatistus, from Latin amethystus, from Greek amethystos "amethyst," literally "not intoxicating," from a- "not" + methyskein "make drunk," from methys "wine" (see mead (n.1)); based on the stone's ancient reputation for preventing drunkenness, which was perhaps sympathetic magic suggested by its wine-like color. People wore rings made of it before drinking. Spelling restored from Middle English ametist.
希腊酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)善于酿造葡萄酒,同时还特别喜爱饮酒。酒神爱上了一个美丽的凡人少女艾莫西施 (Amethystos,希腊语含义为“不醉酒”),向她展开了热烈的追求,但遭到了艾莫西施(Amethystos)的拒绝。一日,酒神喝醉后,欲强行非礼艾莫西施(Amethystos)。情急之下, 艾莫西施向月亮女神Diana大声呼救。于是,月亮女神将她变成了一块晶莹透体的水晶,保住了她的贞洁。酒神伤心不已,就将葡萄酒浇灌在水晶身上,使其变为紫色。
amethyst:['æməθɪst] n.紫水晶,紫色
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:amethyst 词源,amethyst 含义。
前缀a-, 没有。methyst, 酒,词源同mead,酒。古时候传说佩戴该石能防醉酒。
该词源出古代世界一种迷信。古人用以醒酒防醉之物很多,据说戴上爱神木( myrtle)叶子扎成的花环能防酒醉,早餐吃卷心菜可解宿醉,但他们认为用紫蓝色宝石防醉最为灵验,因此希腊人就将此石称为amethystos。该词由a-‘not’加methystos‘drunken’构成,含有not intoxicating(不醉人的)之意。英语中用以指“紫蓝色宝石”的amethyst一词即源于此。
希腊前缀a-在辅音前表否定,methys-词根表酒,与日耳曼词源的mead [miːd] n.蜂蜜酒同源。Amethyst是一名水泽仙女,不堪酒神Dionysus的纠缠,求助于月亮和狩猎女神Artemis,后者将她变成一块宝石。Dionysus无奈中将宝石变作紫色(红酒的颜色)。古人认为紫水晶解酒。