

ambulance: [19] Originally, ambulance was a French term for a field hospital – that is, one set up at a site convenient for a battlefield, and capable of being moved on to the next battlefield when the army advanced (or retreated). In other words, it was an itinerant hospital, and the ultimate source of the term is the Latin verb ambulāre ‘walk’ (as in amble). The earliest recorded term for such a military hospital in French was the 17th-century hôpital ambulatoire.

This was later replaced by hôpital ambulant, literally ‘walking hospital’, and finally, at the end of the 18th century, by ambulance. This sense of the word had died out by the late 19th century, but already its attributive use, in phrases such as ambulance cart and ambulance wagon, had led to its being used for a vehicle for carrying the wounded or sick.

=> acid, alacrity, amble, perambulator
ambulance (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1798, "mobile or field hospital," from French (hôpital) ambulant, literally "walking (hospital)," from Latin ambulantem (nominative ambulans), present participle of ambulare "to walk" (see amble).
AMBULANCE, s. f. a moveable hospital. These were houses constructed in a manner so as to be taken to pieces, and carried from place to place, according to the movements of the army; and served as receptacles in which the sick and wounded men might be received and attended. ["Lexicographica-Neologica Gallica" (The Neological French Dictionary), William Dupré, London, 1801]
The word was not common in English until the meaning transferred from "field hospital" to "vehicle for conveying wounded from field" (1854) during the Crimean War. In late 19c. U.S. the word was used dialectally to mean "prairie wagon." Ambulance-chaser as a contemptuous term for a type of lawyer dates from 1897.



英语单词ambulance中的词根amb=walk, go,表示“走”。在18世纪之前,ambulance的本意是在战场上流动的医院,即所谓的“野战医院”。后来,在拿破仑发动的对欧战争中,他手下有位随军外科大夫Dominique Jean Larry设计了一种用于急救的快速运载工具。随后,英国军队也采用了类似的伤员救护及运载工具,人们用英语ambulance cart或ambulance cargo来表示这种伤员救护及运载工具,进而将它们简称为ambulance。因此,ambulance一词的词义也就从“流动医院”转变为“救护车”了。

ambulance: ['æmbjʊl(ə)ns] n.救护车,流动医院。

amble: ['æmb(ə)l] n.缓行,从容漫步

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ambulance 词源,ambulance 含义。




; ambulance 救护车,救护船,救护飞机

19世纪借自法语,原指“野战医院",其实就是一种随军队行动,尽快为伤员提供急救的流动医院。早在l7世纪中期,这种医院叫做hopital ambulatoire,18世纪中期改称hopital ambulant,相当于英语walking/mobile hospital,到了18世纪末才称作ambulance。在拿破仑发动的对欧战争中,他手下有-位随军外科大夫Dominique Jean Larry(1766—1842)曾设计了一种名曰ambulance volante(相当于英语flying traveler)、用于急救的快速运载工具。随后,英国军队也采用了类似的伤员救护工具,于是英语中出现了ambulance cart和ambulance cargo等说法,最后人们进而将它们缩约为ambulance,用以表示“救护车”。今天,该词还可指“救护船”和“救护飞机”。从词根来看,ambulance系源于拉丁语动词ambulare ‘walk'(走动)。另有两个英语单词perambulator和amble,亦源出于此。



词根词缀: -ambul-行走 + -ance名词词尾