- ambiguous
- ambiguous: [16] Ambiguous carries the etymological notion of ‘wandering around uncertainly’. It comes ultimately from the Latin compound verb ambigere, which was formed from the prefix ambi- (as in AMBIDEXTROUS) and the verb agere ‘drive, lead’ (a prodigious source of English words, including act and agent). From the verb was derived the adjective ambiguus, which was borrowed directly into English. The first to use it seems to have been Sir Thomas More: ‘if it were now doubtful and ambiguous whether the church of Christ were in the right rule of doctrine or not’ A dialogue concerning heresies 1528.
=> act, agent - ambiguous (adj.)
- 1520s, from Latin ambiguus "having double meaning, shifting, changeable, doubtful," adjective derived from ambigere "to dispute about," literally "to wander," from ambi- "about" (see ambi-) + agere "drive, lead, act" (see act). Sir Thomas More (1528) seems to have first used it in English, but ambiguity dates back to c. 1400. Related: Ambiguously; ambiguousness.
发音释义:[æm'bɪgjʊəs] adj. 模棱两可的;引起歧义的
结构分析:ambiguous = ambi(四处)+ gu(带领)+ous(形容词后缀)→四处漫游的→指向不明的、模棱两可的
词源解释:ambi←拉丁语ambi(四处、周围);gu←拉丁语agere (带领)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ambiguous 词源,ambiguous 含义。
使用ambiguous 一词的第一人似乎是英国人文主义者奠尔( Sir Thomas More,1477 -1535),他在《关于异端的对话》(A DiaLogue Concerning Heresies,1528)一书中写道:“If it were now doubtful and ambiguous whether the church of Christ were in the right rule of doctrine or not.”该词来自拉丁语ambiguus‘doubtful’,而ambiguus又是从动词ambigere‘go/drive round’派生出来的。其成分ambi-含有both ways(二者,二)之意,故ambiguous被用以表示“模棱两可的”或“含糊其词的”。 ambi-已被作为前缀吸收到英语中来,用以构成新词,如ambisextrous(不分男女的,对两性都有吸引力的),ambidextrous(两手都善用的)等。
来源于拉丁语中由前缀ambi-(在…周围)和基本动词agere(驾驶,引导)组成的复合词ambigere (争论,犹豫)派生的ambiguus(可改变的,摇摆的,有争议的)。
词根词缀: -amb-在…周围 + -ig-驾驶,引导 + -uous形容词词尾