- ambergris

- ambergris: [15] The original term for ambergris (a waxy material from the stomach of the sperm whale) was amber. But as confusion began to arise between the two substances amber and ambergris, amber came to be used for both in all the languages that had borrowed it from Arabic, thus compounding the bewilderment. The French solution was to differentiate ambergris as ambre gris, literally ‘grey amber’, and this eventually became the standard English term. (Later on, the contrastive term ambre jaune ‘yellow amber’ was coined for ‘amber’ in French.) Uncertainty over the identity of the second element, -gris, has led to some fanciful reformulations of the word.
In the 17th century, many people thought ambergris came from Greece – hence spellings such as amber-degrece and amber-greece. And until comparatively recently its somewhat greasy consistency encouraged the spelling ambergrease.
=> amber - ambergris (n.)

- early 15c., from Middle French ambre gris "gray amber" (see amber), "a wax-like substance of ashy colour, found floating in tropical seas, a morbid secretion from the intestines of the sperm-whale. Used in perfumery, and formerly in cookery" [OED]. Its origin was a mystery in Johnson's day, and he records nine different theories. King Charles II's favorite dish was said to be eggs and ambergris [Macauley, "History of England"]. French gris is from Frankish *gris or some other Germanic source (cognates: Dutch grijs, Old High German gris; see gray (adj.)).
Praise is like ambergris; a little whiff of it, by snatches, is very agreeable; but when a man holds a whole lump of it to his nose, it is a stink and strikes you down. [Pope, c. 1720]
为与amber词义明确而加上的修饰形容词gris, 灰白色,词根同gray.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ambergris 词源,ambergris 含义。
; ambergris 龙涎香
在拉丁美洲的巴哈马群岛、澳洲、新西兰等处的海岸时而可以发现一种灰色或黑色的蜡状芳香物质漂浮于海面。这是抹香鲸(sperm whale)肠道的分泌物,在西方人们常用它来制作名贵香料。法国人起初根据阿拉伯名称anbar将该物质叫做ambre,以后又用ambre-词来指“琥珀",这样-来就造成了名称上的混乱,最后法国人改称前者为ambre gris,后者为ambre Jaune,以示区别,它们分别相当于英语gray amber和yellow amber。ambre进入英语后作amber,仍指“琥珀”,amber gris进入英语后则连写成ambergris,意义不变,汉语作“龙涎香”。