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- chest

- chest: [OE] Chest comes ultimately from Greek kístē ‘box, basket’. In Latin this became cista (source of English cistern [13]). In prehistoric times the word was borrowed into Germanic as *kistā, which was the source of Old English cest. This still meant ‘box’, a sense which continued in isolation until the 16th century, when it was first applied to the ‘thorax’ – the basis of the metaphor presumably being that the ribs enclose the heart and lungs like a box. It has since replaced breast as the main term for the concept.
=> cistern
英语单词alsoran来自赛马比赛的术语,是also ran的缩写。以前报纸在报道赛马比赛的结果时,在列出获得名次的前三名赛马名字后,往往会在also ran后面列出未获名次的其他赛马的名字。also ran的本意是“参加比赛的还有”,后来,人们将其缩写为一个单词,用来表示参加比赛但未获名次的参赛选手,往往用来比喻某种比赛、竞选的落选者。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:alsoran 词源,alsoran 含义。