- almanac

- almanac: [14] One of the first recorded uses of almanac in English is by Chaucer in his Treatise on the astrolabe 1391: ‘A table of the verray Moeuyng of the Mone from howre to howre, every day and in every signe, after thin Almenak’. At that time an almanac was specifically a table of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, and planets, from which astronomical calculations could be made; other refinements and additions, such as a calendar, came to be included over succeeding centuries.
The earliest authenticated reference to an almanac comes in the (Latin) works of the English scientist Roger Bacon, in the mid 13th century. But the ultimate source of the word is obscure. Its first syllable, al-, and its general relevance to medieval science and technology, strongly suggest an Arabic origin, but no convincing candidate has been found.
- almanac (n.)

- late 14c., attested in Anglo-Latin from mid-13c., via Old French almanach or Medieval Latin almanachus, which is of uncertain origin. It is sometimes said to be from a Spanish-Arabic al-manakh "calendar, almanac," but possibly ultimately from Late Greek almenichiakon "calendar," which is said to be of Coptic origin.
This word has been the subject of much speculation. Originally a book of permanent tables of astronomical data; one-year versions, combined with ecclesiastical calendars, date from 16c.; "astrological and weather predictions appear in 16-17th c.; the 'useful statistics' are a modern feature" [OED].
英语单词almanac通常被翻译为“历书”、“年鉴”,它是一种类似于日历的书, 按年度出版,除了包含日期、节气等日历信息外,还有更多与气象、农业耕种、航海活动相关的信息,如某天应该播种什么作物、潮汐高度、日出日落的时辰、日食 月食预报等等,以供农民和航海家参考。美国政治家和科学家富兰克林从1732年到1758年期间逐年出版的《贫穷的理查德的历书》(Poor Richard’s Almanac)是美国早期最著名的一部历书。这个时代出版的历书,除了有日历和气象预测等内容外,还增加了很多老百姓感兴趣的内容,包括家庭医疗指南、 多门类的统计资料、节假纪念日,甚至还有笑话、小说和诗歌等方面的内容。农民通过历书的指导,既能合理地选择农时安排农活,同时还可以欣赏那些即增添知识 又充满趣味性的内容,从而使历书成为了真正的百姓通俗读物。
almanac一词来自阿拉伯语al manakh,其中的al相当于英语的定冠词the。很多来自阿拉伯语的英语单词都含有al,这也是来自阿拉伯语的英语单词的一个常见特征。在阿拉伯语中,al manakh相当于climate,指的是特定时期的天气变化,类似于我们中国的节气。
现在的almanac通常还含有各种历史统计信息,因此与yearbook或 annual(年鉴)有点像,有时候可以混用。它们的区别在于,almanac含有未来年度的信息,并且在提供历史相关信息时不限于特定年度,且主要以时 间轴来安排信息,类似于“历史上的今天”。而yearbook或annual(年鉴)相当于年度报告,不含有未来年度的信息,一般是针对某个专业领域,不 像almanac那样通俗及包罗万象。
almanac:['ɔlmənæk] n.历书,年历,年鉴
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:almanac 词源,almanac 含义。
阿拉伯语。al, 定冠词。-man, 同moon,月,此处指年。
14世纪借自中世纪拉丁语almanachus,但其终极词源很可能是阿拉伯语al-manakh'the calendar’(日历)。英语中许多阿拉伯语借用词都以al(相当于英语冠词the)开头,如alcohol(酒精),algebra(代数学)等。almanac现指“历书”,也指“年鉴”。美国政治家、科学家富兰克林( Benjamin Franklln,1706 - 1790)编写的《贫穷的理查德的历书》(Poor Richard`s Almanac)是美国早期最著名的一本历书。