- ally

- ally: [13] The verb ally was borrowed into English from Old French alier, an alteration of aleier (a different development of the Old French word was aloier, which English acquired as alloy). This came from Latin alligāre ‘bind one thing to another’, a derivative of ligāre ‘tie’; hence the idea etymologically contained in being ‘allied’ is of having a bond with somebody else.
The noun ally seems originally to have been independently borrowed from Old French allié in the 14th century, with the meaning ‘relative’. The more common modern sense, ‘allied person or country’, appeared in the 15th century, and is probably a direct derivative of the English verb.
=> alloy, ligament - ally (v.)

- late 13c., "to join in marriage," from Old French alier "combine, unite," from a differentiated stem of aliier (from Latin alligare "bind to;" see alloy). Meaning "to form an alliance, join, associate" is late 14c. Related: allied; allying.
- ally (n.)

- late 14c., "relative, kinsman," from ally (v.); mid-15c. in the sense of "one united with another by treaty or league."
ally:['ælaɪ] n.同盟国,伙伴,同盟者vt.使结盟,使联合vi.结盟,联合
alliance:[ə'laɪəns] n.联盟,联合,联姻
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ally 词源,ally 含义。
前缀al-同ad-. 词根lig, 绑定。
词根词缀: al-加强意义 + -ly-捆,约束 → 大家捆在一起 → 同盟