- alligator

- alligator: [16] The Spanish, on encountering the alligator in America, called it el lagarto ‘the lizard’. At first English adopted simply the noun (‘In this river we killed a monstrous Lagarto or Crocodile’, Job Hortop, The trauailes of an Englishman 1568), but before the end of the 16th century the Spanish definite article el had been misanalysed as part of the noun – hence, alligator. Spanish lagarto derived from Latin lacerta ‘lizard’, which, via Old French lesard, gave English lizard.
=> lizard - alligator (n.)

- 1560s, lagarto (modern form attested from 1620s, with excrescent -r as in tater, feller, etc.), a corruption of Spanish el lagarto (de Indias) "the lizard (of the Indies)," from Latin lacertus (see lizard). Alligarter was an early variant. The slang meaning "non-playing devotee of swing music" is attested from 1936; the phrase see you later, alligator is from a 1956 song title.
当西班牙殖民者初次踏上美洲大陆,遇到美洲特有的短吻鳄时,就用西班牙语称其为el lagarto(the lizard,蜥蜴)。后来说英语的殖民者沿用了西班牙人对其的称谓,在英语中将其称作lagarto。但在16世纪末期,有些人误将西班牙语中的定冠词el也看作该词的一部分,因此就从西班牙语el lagarto中产生了英语单词alligator。alligator与crocodile的区别在于,alligator指的是美洲特有的短吻鳄,而crocodile是一个传统单词,用来统称“鳄鱼”。
alligator:['ælɪgeɪtə] n.短吻鳄,美洲鳄
crocodile:['krɒkədaɪl] n.鳄鱼
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:alligator 词源,alligator 含义。
来自西班牙语。al, 定冠词。-ligator, 同lizard, 蜥蜴。
; alligator 短吻鳄
古罗马人所见到的最大蜥蜴约有人的前臂-般大小,所以就用原义为“前臂"的lacertus/lacerta-词来指称蜥蜴。该词通过法语lesard进入英语,演变为lizard,而进入西班牙语以后则作lagarto。当西班牙人在新大陆见到一种类蜥蜴爬行动物时,他们也称之为lagarto,只是按照习惯在名词前面多加了定冠词el,作ellagarto,相当于英语the lizard。英国人误认为是个单词elagarto,就将它吸收了过来,最后把它变成alligator。西班牙人在美洲所见到的实则是美洲鳄雪一种短吻鳄。因此alligator现-般多指“短吻鳄”,和crocodile(鳄)略有不同。但许多人把这两者混同起来,如在澳洲和美洲alligator常用以指crocodile。在现代口语中alligator常缩略为gator。