- alibi

- alibi: [18] In Latin, alibi means literally ‘somewhere else’. It is the locative form (that is, the form expressing place) of the pronoun alius ‘other’ (which is related to Greek allos ‘other’ and English else). When first introduced into English it was used in legal contexts as an adverb, meaning, as in Latin, ‘elsewhere’: ‘The prisoner had little to say in his defence; he endeavoured to prove himself Alibi’, John Arbuthnot, Law is a bottomless pit 1727.
But by the end of the 18th century it had become a noun, ‘plea of being elsewhere at the time of a crime’. The more general sense of an ‘excuse’ developed in the 20th century. Another legal offspring of Latin alius is alias. This was a direct 16th-century borrowing of Latin aliās, a form of alius meaning ‘otherwise’.
=> alias, else - alibi (n.)

- 1743, "the plea of having been elsewhere when an action took place," from Latin alibi "elsewhere, somewhere else," locative of alius "(an)other" (see alias (adv.)). The weakened sense of "excuse" is attested since 1912, but technically any proof of innocence that doesn't involve being "elsewhere" is an excuse, not an alibi.
18世纪时,英语单词alibi是一个法律术语,意为“以犯罪发生时身处其他地方为由进行无罪辩解”。它源自拉丁语alibi,字面意思是somewhere else(在其他地方),是拉丁语alius(other)的位置格。英语单词alias(别名)、alien(外国的)都源自拉丁语alius。
alibi:['ælibai] n.借口,托辞v.辩解,找托辞开脱
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:alibi 词源,alibi 含义。
发音释义:['ælɪbaɪ] n. 不在场证明或辩解;托辞v. 辩解;找托辞开脱
拉丁词。词根al, 其它,同else.
; alibi 不在犯罪现场,借口,托辞
“We the jury,find that the accused was alibi.”(本陪审团裁定,被告不在犯罪现场。)这是18世纪-次刑事审判的裁决。言下之意是,在罪行发生时因为被告在别处所以是无罪的.alibi是个拉丁语借词,原义为elsewhere{(在别处)。苏格兰讽刺作家阿巴恩诺特(John Arbuthnot,1667—1735)在其政治讽刺作品《约翰·布尔的身世》(The History of John Bull)中用例子说明了该词的用法:“The prisoner had little to say in his defence;he endeavoured to prove himself Aiibi."(被告在辩护时几乎没有什么可说的,他力图证明自己不在犯罪现场。)几个世纪以来alibi一直作为-个法律用语,指“不在犯罪现场”,因为在法庭上用得如此频繁,所以20世纪时进入了日常英语口语之中,成了“借口”、“托辞”的同义语,还可作alligator动词用,表示“辩解"。