- algorithm

- algorithm: [13] Algorithm comes from the name of an Arab mathematician, in full Abu Ja far Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 780–c. 850), who lived and taught in Baghdad and whose works in translation introduced Arabic numerals to the West. The last part of his name means literally ‘man from Khwarizm’, a town on the borders of Turkmenistan, now called Khiva. The Arabic system of numeration and calculation, based on 10, of which he was the chief exponent, became known in Arabic by his name – al-khwarizmi.
This was borrowed into medieval Latin as algorismus (with the Arabic -izmi transformed into the Latin suffix -ismus ‘-ism’). In Old French algorismus became augorime, which was the basis of the earliest English form of the word, augrim. From the 14th century onwards, Latin influence gradually led to the adoption of the spelling algorism in English.
This remains the standard form of the word when referring to the Arabic number system; but in the late 17th century an alternative version, algorithm, arose owing to association with Greek árithmos ‘number’ (source of arithmetic [13]), and this became established from the 1930s onwards as the term for a stepby- step mathematical procedure, as used in computing. Algol, the name of a computer programming language, was coined in the late 1950s from ‘algorithmic language’.
=> allegory, allergy, arithmetic - algorithm (n.)

- 1690s, from French algorithme, refashioned (under mistaken connection with Greek arithmos "number") from Old French algorisme "the Arabic numeral system" (13c.), from Medieval Latin algorismus, a mangled transliteration of Arabic al-Khwarizmi "native of Khwarazm," surname of the mathematician whose works introduced sophisticated mathematics to the West (see algebra). The earlier form in Middle English was algorism (early 13c.), from Old French.
阿尔•花刺子模全名为穆罕默德•本•穆萨•阿尔•花剌子模(Muhammad ibn Msa al Khwarizmi),出生于波斯北部城市花剌子模,是阿拉伯阿拔斯王朝著名数学家、天文学家、地理学家,代数与算术的整理者,被誉为“代数之父”。公元830年,阿尔·花剌子模写了一本有关代数的书,英语单词Algebra(代数)就来源于这本书的书名中一个单词。书中阐述了解一次和二次方程的基本方法,明确提出了代数学中的一些基本概念,把代数学发展成为一门与几何学相提并论的独立学科。
阿尔·花剌子模还出版了一本数学著作,介绍了印度的十进制记数法和以此为基础的算术知识。13世纪,意大利数学家斐波那契( Fibonacci)将这套十进制计数法和算术方法引介到欧洲,逐渐代替了欧洲原有的算板计算及罗马的记数系统。0~9等十个印度数字也因此被欧洲人误称为阿拉伯数字。意大利人将他的名字翻译成拉丁语Algorismus,并将他在这本著作中讲解的基于十进制计数法的算术方法也称为Algorismus。英语单词algorism(算术)一次就来自拉丁语Algorismus,后来被单词arithmetic(算术)逐渐替代,很少使用。而algorism的异体,英语单词algorithm却随着计算机科学技术的发展得以发扬光大,表示计算机领域的专业术语“算法”。
algorithm:['ælgərɪð(ə)m] n.算法,运算规则
algorism:['ælɡərɪzəm] n.阿拉伯数字系统,十进制计数法
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:algorithm 词源,algorithm 含义。
以阿拉伯数学家Khwarizmi代指算法。algorithm 是当时拉丁语对该数学家名字的拙劣的翻译,或部分受arithmetic的影响。