- album

- album: [17] Latin albus ‘white’ has been the source of a variety of English words: alb ‘ecclesiastical tunic’ [OE], albedo ‘reflective power’ [19], Albion [13], an old word for Britain, probably with reference to its white cliffs, albumen ‘white of egg’ [16], and auburn, as well as albino. Album is a nominalization of the neuter form of the adjective, which was used in classical times for a blank, or white, tablet on which public notices were inscribed.
Its original adoption in the modern era seems to have been in Germany, where scholars kept an album amicorum ‘album of friends’ in which to collect colleagues’ signatures. This notion of an autograph book continues in Dr Johnson’s definition of album in his Dictionary 1755: ‘a book in which foreigners have long been accustomed to insert the autographs of celebrated people’, but gradually it became a repository for all sorts of souvenirs, including in due course photographs.
=> alb, albedo, albino, albumen, auburn, daub - album (n.)

- 1650s, from Latin album "white color, whiteness," neuter of albus "white" (see alb). In classical times "a blank tablet on which the Pontifex Maximus registered the principal events of the year; a list of names." Revived 16c. by German scholars whose custom was to keep an album amicorum of colleagues' signatures; meaning then expanded into "book to collect souvenirs." According to Johnson, "a book in which foreigners have long been accustomed to insert autographs of celebrated people." Photographic albums first recorded 1859. Meaning "long-playing gramophone record" is by 1951, because the sleeves they came in resembled large albums.
古罗马政府每天在议事厅外的广场上,以手抄公告方式,向市民报道重大公事,如议案进程,审判结果等。这种手抄公告被历史学家称为“每日纪闻”(Acta Diurna),先后出版数百年之久,有人称之为“历史上第一份官方的报刊”。它其实是一块树立在广场中的木板,上面涂有白蜡,由专人每天在上面发布公告。这份最早的报刊在当时叫做album,本意是“白色”,是拉丁语albus(白)的中性形式,英语词根alb(白)也源自albus。
album:['ælbəm] n.相册,唱片集,集邮册,签名纪念册。记:alb白+um场所→空白之处→空白的本子
albino:[æl'biːnəʊ] n.白化病,白化病人
Alps: [ælps] n.阿尔卑斯山。记:alp=alb,白色的山
albumin: ['ælbjʊmɪn] n.白蛋白,清蛋白
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:album 词源,album 含义。
来自词根alb, 白色。原指古时候用来登记姓名,记录重大事件的白板。
该词直接借自拉丁语,原义为blank tableL(空白刻写板)。古罗马人用木、石、象牙、金属等制成的一种白板来记载历史,写刻名单,公布法令等,他们就称此板为album。album是从另一拉丁词albus(白的,空白的)派生而来。中世纪时album一度指“名单”,因为当时名单是用黑字写刻在白板上或用白字写刻在黑板上的。album的今义可能始用于17世纪。当时亲笔签名极为风行,“签名纪念册”就叫album。以后album词义又进一步引申,琵指用以粘贴照片、邮票、图片等的粘贴簿,一般多冠之以修饰语,如photo album(相册),stamp album(集邮册)等。美国英语还用它指“来客签到簿”。 alb=blank,white表示“白”;alt=tall,high表示“高”。astro=star
借用于于拉丁语albus, -a, -um(白的,空白的)