- aftermath

- aftermath: [16] Originally, and literally, an aftermath was a second crop of grass or similar grazing vegetation, grown after an earlier crop in the same season had been harvested. Already by the mid 17th century it had taken on the figurative connotations of ‘resulting condition’ which are today its only living sense. The -math element comes from Old English mǣth ‘mowing’, a noun descended from the Germanic base *mǣ, source of English mow.
=> mow - aftermath (n.)

- 1520s, originally a second crop of grass grown after the first had been harvested, from after + -math, a dialectal word, from Old English mæð "a mowing, cutting of grass" (see math (n.2)). Figurative sense by 1650s. Compare French regain "aftermath," from re- + Old French gain, gaain "grass which grows in meadows that have been mown," from Frankish or some other Germanic source similar to Old High German weida "grass, pasture"
英语单词aftermath是after math(数学之后)的意思吗?当然不是。这里的math来自古英语,等于mow(割草)。该词的由来与牧草有关。
在广阔的草原上,牧草拥有很强的再生能力,能在刈割或放牧后再次生长。游牧民族很早就发现了牧草的再生能力,并在放牧时加以充分利用,并将第一次刈割后的再生牧草称为aftermath,意思就是“after the first mowing”(经过初次刈割后),即“再生草、第二茬草”。后来,aftermath的词义逐渐扩充,除了牧草以外,还可以表示其他事物的第二波次,如地震的余波。后来词义继续扩大,用来表示某一事物带来的结果。由于第二茬牧草的质量往往不如头生的,所以aftermath往往表示不好的结果,中文中一般译为“后果”。
aftermath:['ɑːftəmæθ] n.后果,余波,再生草
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:aftermath 词源,aftermath 含义。
该词系由after和math复合而成。math在古英语中原作meath,意为mowing(割草,收割);aftermath原义为after (the) first mowing,即“第二次刈割”或“再生草”。在同一季 节里再度收割的牧草,不论其质或量都不如头一次。因此,嗣后aftermath多用来喻指“后果”,尤指天灾人祸带来的后果。