- adobe

- adobe: [18] Adobe is of Egyptian origin, from the time of the pharaohs. It comes from Coptic tōbe ‘brick’ (the form t.b appears in hieroglyphs). This was borrowed into Arabic, where the addition of the definite article al produced attob ‘the brick’. From Arabic it passed into Spanish (the corridor through which so many Arabic words reached other European languages), and its use by the Spanish-speaking population of North America (for a sun-dried brick) led to its adoption into English in the mid 18th century.
- adobe (n.)

- 1739, American English, from Spanish adobe, from oral form of Arabic al-tob "the brick," from Coptic tube "brick," a word found in hieroglyphics.
在 古埃及时代,由于尼罗河一带缺少木材,因此古埃及建筑的通常是采用大量的泥砖和石头建成。其中,石头一般用在金字塔陵墓和神庙等宗教建筑,而泥砖则用在王 室宫殿、城墙、城镇和神庙旁的附属建筑。建筑用的泥砖原料主要来自尼罗河沿岸的淤泥。古埃及人取得泥土后,会将泥放入模具中,并放置在阳光强烈处来干燥硬 化,最后成为泥砖。这种用泥砖盖房屋的方法在埃及的一些地方仍在沿用。古埃及的一些建在高地上的泥砖建筑村落、神庙和陵墓目前依然存在,如村庄德尔巴拉梅迪纳、小镇莱红和堡垒巴衡等。
adobe:[ə'dəʊbɪ; ə'dəʊb]n.泥砖,砖坯
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:adobe 词源,adobe 含义。
发音释义:['ədobɪ] n. 土砖,砖坯
词源解释:adobe←阿拉伯语al-tob(the brick,泥砖)
相关应用:Adobe是美国著名的多媒体软件公司。该名称来源于创始人约翰沃诺克(John E.Warnock)的老家一条小河之名——Adobe Creek。
来自阿拉伯单词al-tob。al,阿拉伯语定冠词, tob,土坯,砖块。