- admire

- admire: [16] Admire has rather run out of steam since it first entered the language. It comes originally from the same Latin source as marvel and miracle, and from the 16th to the 18th centuries it meant ‘marvel at’ or ‘be astonished’. Its weaker modern connotations of ‘esteem’ or ‘approval’, however, have been present since the beginning, and have gradually ousted the more exuberant expressions of wonderment. It is not clear whether English borrowed the word from French admirer or directly from its source, Latin admīrārī, literally ‘wonder at’, a compound verb formed from ad- and mīrārī ‘wonder’.
=> marvel, miracle - admire (v.)

- early 15c. (implied in admired), from Middle French admirer (Old French amirer, 14c.), or directly from Latin admirari "to wonder at" (see admiration). Related: Admiring; admiringly.
发音释义:[əd'maɪɚ] vt. 钦佩;赞美vi. 钦佩;称赞
结构分析:admire = ad(处于)+mire(惊奇)→处于惊奇状态→叹为观止→钦佩
同源词: admiration(钦佩),miracle(奇迹)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:admire 词源,admire 含义。
前缀ad-, 去,往。词根mire, 惊叹,感叹,同miracle,奇迹,词源同smile, 惊奇的笑。此处字母s脱落,字母r,l流音音变。
词根词缀: ad-加强 + -mir-惊奇 + -e动词词尾