- admiral

- admiral: [13] Admirals originally had nothing specifically to do with the sea. The word comes ultimately from Arabic ’amīr ‘commander’ (from which English later also acquired emir [17]). This entered into various titles followed by the particle -al- ‘of’ (’amīr-al-bahr ‘commander of the sea’, ’amīr-al-mūminīn ‘commander of the faithful’), and when it was borrowed into European languages, ’amīr-al- became misconstrued as an independent, free-standing word.
Moreover, the Romans, when they adopted it, smuggled in their own Latin prefix ad-, producing admiral. When this reached English (via Old French) it still meant simply ‘commander’, and it was not until the time of Edward III that a strong naval link began to emerge. The Arabic title ’amīr-al-bahr had had considerable linguistic influence in the wake of Arabic conquests around the Mediterranean seaboard (Spanish almirante de la mar, for instance), and specific application of the term to a naval commander spread via Spain, Italy, and France to England.
Thus in the 15th century England had its Admiral of the Sea or Admiral of the Navy, who was in charge of the national fleet. By 1500 the maritime connection was firmly established, and admiral came to be used on its own for ‘supreme naval commander’.
=> emir - admiral (n.)

- c. 1200, "Saracen commander or chieftain," from Old French amirail (12c.) "Saracen military commander; any military commander," ultimately from medieval Arabic amir "military commander," probably via Medieval Latin use of the word for "Muslim military leader." Meaning "highest-ranking naval officer" in English is from early 15c. The extension of the word's meaning from "commander on land" to "commander at sea" likely began in 12c. Sicily with Medieval Latin amiratus and then spread to the continent, but the word also continued to mean "Muslim military commander" in Europe in the Middle Ages.
The intrusive -d- probably is from influence of Latin ad-mirabilis (see admire). Italian form almiraglio, Spanish almirante are from confusion with Arabic words in al-. As a type of butterfly, from 1720, possibly a corruption of admirable.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:admiral 词源,admiral 含义。
来自阿拉伯语emir, 酋长。后词源俗化为admire的名词形式。
该词源于阿拉伯语amir。amir是某些穆斯林国家的酋长、王公、统帅的称号。这个词本身在17世纪已被直接借人英语,汉语音译为“埃米尔”,一般拼作emir。在阿拉伯语中amir-al-bahr是“海军统帅”的意思,其中al为定冠词。但是同阿拉伯人接触的西方海员误认为头两部分amir-al是一个词,所以把它用作一个高贵称号。在13世纪以前军官们常以amiral相称。其实amiral仅相当于英语commander of。amiral先是进人法语,而后又被英语所借用。由于古法语a-相当于拉丁语ad-,amiral在法语中形式至今一直保持不变,而在英语中以后则演变为admiral。早在13世纪admiral就开始与海军发生联系,一度指“旗舰”。它在现代英语中的词义“海军上将”,“舰队司令”便是由此引申出来的。