- adjutant

- adjutant: [17] An adjutant was formerly simply an ‘assistant’, but the more specific military sense of an officer who acts as an aide to a more senior officer has now virtually ousted this original meaning. The word comes from a Latin verb for ‘help’, and is in fact related to English aid. Latin adjuvāre ‘help’ developed a new form, adjūtāre, denoting repeated action, and the present participial stem of this, adjutant- ‘helping’, was borrowed into English.
=> aid, coadjutor - adjutant (n.)

- "military officer who assists superior officers," c. 1600, from Latin adiutantem (nominative adiutans), present participle of adiutare "to give help to, help zealously, serve," frequentative of adiuvare (past participle adiutus) "help, assist, aid, support," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + iuvare "to help, give strength, support," perhaps from same root as iuvenis "young person" (see young).
前缀ad-, 去,往。-jut,年青人,同young. 也就是年青人学习阶段需做的事情。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:adjutant 词源,adjutant 含义。