- adjective

- late 14c., as an adjective, "adjectival," in noun adjective, from Old French adjectif (14c.), from Latin adjectivum "that is added to (the noun)," neuter of adjectivus "added," from past participle of adicere "to throw or place (a thing) near," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + comb. form of iacere "to throw" (see jet (v.)). Also as a noun from late 14c. In 19c. Britain, the word itself often was a euphemism for the taboo adjective bloody.
They ... slept until it was cool enough to go out with their 'Towny,' whose vocabulary contained less than six hundred words, and the Adjective. [Kipling, "Soldiers Three," 1888]
来源于拉丁语动词adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus(加,增加)的过去分词adjectus,形容词是被“加到”名词上的词。
词根词缀: ad-来,临近 + -ject-投,射 + -ive
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:adjective 词源,adjective 含义。