- adieu

- late 14c., adewe, from French adieu, from phrase a dieu (vous) commant "I commend (you) to God," from a "to" (see ad) + dieu "God," from Latin deum, accusative of deus "god," from PIE *deiwos (see Zeus). Originally said to the party left; farewell was to the party setting forth.
前缀ad-, 去,往。词根dieu, 神,见deity, 神祗。即上帝保佑旅途平安。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:adieu 词源,adieu 含义。
在早先的法语中有一句话Je vous recornmande a Dieu,相当于英语I cmmand you to God(我把你托付给上帝),这是对出远门的人说的一句祝福语。嗣后此语缩约为矗a Dieu(相当于英语to God),并合写成adieu,用以表示“再见”,英语把它吸收了过来。这和英语的good- bye出自Cod be with you 一语情况颇为相似。(参见good-bye)