- address

- address: [14] Address originally meant ‘straighten’. William Caxton, for example, here uses it for ‘stand up straight’: ‘The first day that he was washed and bathed he addressed him[self] right up in the basin’ Golden Legend 1483. This gives a clue to its ultimate source, Latin dīrectum ‘straight, direct’. The first two syllables of this seem gradually to have merged together to produce *drictum, which with the addition of the prefix ad- was used to produce the verb *addrictiāre.
Of its descendants in modern Romance languages, Italian addirizzare most clearly reveals its source. Old French changed it fairly radically, to adresser, and it was this form which English borrowed. The central current sense of ‘where somebody lives’ developed in the 17th and 18th centuries from the notion of directing something, such as a letter, to somebody.
=> direct - address (v.)

- early 14c., "to guide or direct," from Old French adrecier "go straight toward; straighten, set right; point, direct" (13c.), from Vulgar Latin *addirectiare "make straight," from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + *directiare, from Latin directus "straight, direct" (see direct (v.)). Late 14c. as "to set in order, repair, correct." Meaning "to write as a destination on a written message" is from mid-15c. Meaning "to direct spoken words (to someone)" is from late 15c. Related: Addressed; addressing.
- address (n.)

- 1530s, "dutiful or courteous approach," from address (v.) and from French adresse. Sense of "formal speech" is from 1751. Sense of "superscription of a letter" is from 1712 and led to the meaning "place of residence" (1888).
发音释义:[ə'dres] n. 地址;演讲;致辞;说话的技巧;称呼vt.演说;从事;忙于;写姓名地址;向…致辞;与…说话;提出;处
结构分析:address = ad(去)+dress(=direct,引导)→引导精力→从事、忙于;引导言语→向…致辞、与…说话、称呼→演讲、致辞;引导邮件→在信封上写姓名地址→地址
同源词: direct(指导),dress(穿衣)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:address 词源,address 含义。
前缀ad-, 去,往。-dress同direct, 指导,导引。词根rect, 直,对,同right.
当你说address someone,你的话是针对某人而发;当你说address a letter,你的信是针对收信者而发。address的这两个基本意义有一个共同点,即“针对…而发”。 address的拉丁词源ad-‘to’+directus‘direct’原来就有此含义,它是14世纪时从法语addresser借用演化过来的,其另一常用词义“住址”是17和18世纪时从第二个词义引申而来。
同源词: direct
单词address含有“地址”、“致力”、“演讲”等多种释义,乍一眼看去,这些释义毫无关系,记起来很麻烦。其实了解了它的词源后就好记多了。address由ad+dress组成,其中的前缀ad等于to,dress来自拉丁语directus,等于单词direct,所以address的字面意思就是“to direct”(引导)的意思。所以address可以表示“将信件引导至某处”,即在信封上写上投递地址,后来演变为名词,表示“地址”。address还可以表示“将精力或注意力引导至某件事”,即“致力于”的意思。address还可以表示演讲,因为演讲其实就是将自己的意见引导至观众头脑中,所以表示“演讲”时address指的是正式的、精心准备好的演讲。
address:[ə'dres] n.地址,演讲,致辞,说话的技巧,称呼vt.演说,从事,忙于,写姓名地址,向……致敬,和……说话