- acolyte

- acolyte: [14] Acolyte comes, via Old French and/or medieval Latin, from Greek akólouthos ‘following’. This was formed from the prefix a- (which is related to homos ‘same’) and the noun keleuthos ‘path’, and it appears again in English in anacolouthon [18] (literally ‘not following’), a technical term for lack of grammatical sequence. The original use of acolyte in English was as a minor church functionary, and it did not acquire its more general meaning of ‘follower’ until the 19th century.
=> anacolouthon - acolyte (n.)

- early 14c., "inferior officer in the church," from Old French acolite or directly from Medieval Latin acolytus (Late Latin acoluthos), from Greek akolouthos "following, attending on," literally "having one way," from a- "together with," copulative prefix, + keleuthose "a way, road, path, track," from PIE *qeleu- (cognates: Lithuanian kelias "way"). In late Old English as a Latin word.
发音释义:['ækəlaɪt] n. 侍僧;教士助手;追随者
结构分析:acolyte = a(一道) + col(道路)+yte(=ite,名词后缀)→(与祭司)走同一条路的→追随者、辅祭、侍僧
词源解释:col ←希腊语keleuthose(道路)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:acolyte 词源,acolyte 含义。