- ace

- ace: [13] Ace comes from the name of a small ancient Roman coin, the as (which may have been of Etruscan origin). As well as denoting the coin, Latin as stood for ‘one’ or ‘unity’, and it was as the ‘score of one at dice’ that it first entered English.
- ace (n.)

- c. 1300, "one at dice," from Old French as "one at dice," from Latin as "a unit, one, a whole, unity;" also the name of a small Roman coin ("originally one pound of copper; reduced by depreciation to half an ounce" [Lewis]), perhaps originally Etruscan and related to Greek eis "one" (from PIE *sem- "one, as one"), or directly from the Greek word.
In English, it meant the side of the die with only one mark before it meant the playing card with one pip (1530s). Because this was the lowest roll at dice, ace was used metaphorically in Middle English for "bad luck" or "something of no value;" but as the ace is often the highest playing card, the extended senses based on "excellence, good quality" arose 18c. as card-playing became popular. Ace in the hole in the figurative sense of "concealed advantage" is attested from 1904, from crooked stud poker deals.
Meaning "outstanding pilot" dates from 1917 (technically, in World War I aviators' jargon, one who has brought down 10 enemy planes, though originally in reference to 5 shot down), from French l'ace (1915), which, according to Bruce Robertson (ed.) "Air Aces of the 1914-1918 War" was used in prewar French sporting publications for "top of the deck" boxers, cyclists, etc. Sports meaning of "point scored" (1819) led to that of "unreturnable serve" (1889). - ace (v.)

- "to score" (in sports), 1923, from ace (n.). This led in turn to the extended student slang sense of "get high marks" (1959). Related: Aced; acing.
ace: [eɪs] n.幺点,佼佼者,王牌,直接得分的发球adj.一流的,极好的v.发球直接得分,击败,得高分,顺利通过考试
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ace 词源,ace 含义。
来自拉丁词as, 一,原指一种最低面值的铜币,后来受扑克牌A影响,表示王牌,优。
ace在中古英语原作as,源于古法语as和拉丁语as,在古罗马时期as是货币或度量的最小单位。13世纪时ace指骰子上最小的点,但到了16世纪则转指几种牌戏中最大的牌(即A纸牌),牌值居于人头牌(即纸牌的K,Q,J)之上。第一次世界大战期间,法语词as被用以指击落敌机5架以上的空军王牌驾驶员,英语吸收了这一用法,仍作ace。此后ace词义逐渐扩大,常指“佼佼者”、“高手”,在用作形容词时则表示“第一流的”或“杰出的”,如ace player,ace pilot等。