- accolade

- accolade: [17] Accolade goes back to an assumed Vulgar Latin verb *accollāre, meaning ‘put one’s arms round someone’s neck’ (collum is Latin for ‘neck’, and is the source of English collar). It put in its first recorded appearance in the Provençal noun acolada, which was borrowed into French as accolade and thence made its way into English. A memory of the original literal meaning is preserved in the use of accolade to refer to the ceremonial striking of a sword on a new knight’s shoulders; the main current sense ‘congratulatory expression of approval’ is a later development.
=> collar - accolade (n.)

- 1620s, from French accolade (16c.), from Provençal acolada or Italian accollata, ultimately from noun use of a fem. past participle from Vulgar Latin *accollare "to embrace around the neck," from Latin ad- "to" (see ad-) + collum "neck" (see collar (n.)).
The original sense is of an embrace about the neck or the tapping of a sword on the shoulders to confer knighthood. Extended meaning "praise, award" is from 1852. Also see -ade. Earlier was accoll (mid-14c.), from Old French acolee "an embrace, kiss, especially that given to a new-made knight," from verb acoler. The French noun in the 16c. was transformed to accolade, with the foreign suffix.
在中世纪,在册封骑士时要举行隆重的仪式,仪式的具体形式据说有好多种。历史学家“图尔的乔治”写道早期法国国王在册封骑士时,会亲吻骑士的左面颊。据说“征服者威廉”在册封骑士时,会用拳头轻轻击打骑士的面颊或脖子,而最常见的形式是用剑的平面轻拍骑士的肩膀。英语单词accolade就源自这种册封仪式,它来自拉丁语accollare,意思是“embrace around the neck”(拥抱脖子),由ad(to)+collum(neck)构成。英语单词collar(领口)就来自拉丁语collum。看来不管是哪种形式,册封仪式都会涉及到脖子。在现代,给冠军颁奖时,颁奖人员把奖牌挂在冠军的脖子上,或者抱着冠军的脖子亲吻面颊,可能也跟中世纪册封骑士的仪式有关。
accolade: ['ækəled] n.骑士册封仪式,荣誉称号授予仪式,荣誉
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:accolade 词源,accolade 含义。
发音释义:['ækəleɪd; ,ækə'leɪd] n. 荣誉;荣誉称号授予仪式;连谱号;称赞
结构分析:accolade = ac(=ad,去)+colade(围绕脖子)→抱脖子→册封骑士→荣誉旗号授予仪式→荣誉。
词源解释:colade ←拉丁语collare (围绕脖子)←拉丁语collum(脖子)
前缀ac-同ad-. 词根col, 转,领口,同collar,领口。该词原指封骑士时的拥抱仪式,后指赞扬。