- accident

- accident: [14] Etymologically, an accident is simply ‘something which happens’ – ‘an event’. That was what the word originally meant in English, and it was only subsequently that the senses ‘something which happens by chance’ and ‘mishap’ developed. It comes from the Latin verb cadere ‘fall’ (also the source of such perse English words as case, decadent, and deciduous).
The addition of the prefix ad- ‘to’ produced accidere, literally ‘fall to’, hence ‘happen to’. Its present participle was used as an adjective in the Latin phrase rēs accidēns ‘thing happening’, and accidēns soon took on the role of a noun on its own, passing (in its stem form accident-) into Old French and thence into English.
=> case, decadent, deciduous - accident (n.)

- late 14c., "an occurrence, incident, event," from Old French accident (12c.), from Latin accidentem (nominative accidens), present participle of accidere "happen, fall out, fall upon," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + cadere "fall" (see case (n.1)). Meaning grew from "something that happens, an event," to "something that happens by chance," then "mishap." Philosophical sense "non-essential characteristic of a thing" is late 14c. Meaning "unplanned child" is attested by 1932.
前缀ac-同ad-. 词根cid, 1.落,见deciduous,落叶的。2.砍,见decide,决定。此处指突外掉落的,意外。
前缀ac-同ad-. 词根claim, 叫,同call, 叫。来自词根kele, 拟声词,呼叫。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:accident 词源,accident 含义。
词根词缀:ac-加强意义 + -cid-降临 + -ent名词词尾