- abyss

- abyss: [16] English borrowed abyss from late Latin abyssus, which in turn derived from Greek ábussos. This was an adjective meaning ‘bottomless’, from a- ‘not’ and bussós ‘bottom’, a dialectal variant of buthós (which is related to bathys ‘deep’, the source of English bathyscape). In Greek the adjective was used in the phrase ábussos limnē ‘bottomless lake’, but only the adjective was borrowed into Latin, bringing with it the meaning of the noun as well.
In medieval times, a variant form arose in Latin – abysmus. It incorporated the Greek suffix -ismós (English -ism). It is the source of French abîme, and was borrowed into English in the 13th century as abysm (whence the 19th-century derivative abysmal). It began to be ousted by abyss in the 16th century, however, and now has a distinctly archaic air.
- abyss (n.)

- late 14c., earlier abime (c. 1300, from a form in Old French), from Late Latin abyssus "bottomless pit," from Greek abyssos (limne) "bottomless (pool)," from a- "without" (see a- (2)) + byssos "bottom," possibly related to bathos "depth."
abyss:[ə'bɪs] n.无底洞,地狱,深渊。记:阿鼻地狱
abyssal:[ə'bɪsl] adj.深渊的,深海的,深不可测的
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:abyss 词源,abyss 含义。
前缀a-, 没有。词根byss, 底,词源同base, 底,低下。
; Abyss 深渊
古人认为地底下是一个无底洞或深渊,亦即阴间所在,英语就称abyss。该词语源于希腊语abyssos,14世纪末通过拉丁语abyssus被借入英语,其字面意思为“无底的(bottomless)”。但若再进一步追根朔源,则可回溯到世界上现存最古老的书面语言苏美尔语(sumerian)中的一个词Abzu (原始海)。abyss经历了几个世纪,用到今天词义一直没有什么变化。
来源于拉丁语abyssus, -i, m(深渊)
a-为否定前缀,词根byss表“底部,bottom”,可以和发音相近的单词base(底部)联想串记。字面义“没有底”。abyss of desperation(绝望的深渊)。