- abstruse

- abstruse: [16] It is not clear whether English borrowed abstruse from French abstrus(e) or directly from Latin abstrūsus, but the ultimate source is the Latin form. It is the past participle of the verb abstrūdere, literally ‘thrust’ (trūdere) ‘away’ (ab). (Trūdere contributed other derivatives to English, including extrude and intrude, and it is related to threat.) The original, literal meaning of abstruse was ‘concealed’, but the metaphorical ‘obscure’ is just as old in English.
- abstruse (adj.)

- 1590s, from Middle French abstrus (16c.) or directly from Latin abstrusus "hidden, concealed, secret," past participle of abstrudere "conceal," literally "to thrust away," from ab- "away" (see ab-) + trudere "to thrust, push" (see extrusion). Related: Abstrusely; abstruseness.
发音释义:[əb'struːs] adj. 深奥的;难懂的
结构分析:abstruse = abs(=ab,离开)+truse(推)→推到一边→隐藏的→深奥的。
词源解释:truse←拉丁语trudere (推、刺)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:abstruse 词源,abstruse 含义。
前缀abs-为ab-变体,离开。词根trud-,推,挤,见extrude, 向外推。-s (trud- => trus-), 过去分词格。即推开的,引申词义想不出来的,深奥的,难解的。