- abound

- abound: [14] Abound has no connection with bind or bound. Its Latin source means literally ‘overflow’, and its nearest relative among English words is water. Latin undāre ‘flow’ derived from unda ‘wave’ (as in undulate), which has the same ultimate root as water. The addition of the prefix ab- ‘away’ created abundāre, literally ‘flow away’, hence ‘overflow’, and eventually ‘be plentiful’.
The present participial stem of the Latin verb gave English abundant and abundance. In the 14th and 15th centuries it was erroneously thought that abound had some connection with have, and the spelling habound was consequently common.
=> inundate, surround, undulate, water - abound (v.)

- early 14c., from Old French abonder "to abound, be abundant, come together in great numbers" (12c.), from Latin abundare "overflow, run over," from Latin ab- "off" (see ab-) + undare "rise in a wave," from unda "water, wave" (see water (n.1)). Related: Abounded; abounding.
前缀ab-,离开。词根und, 水,词源同water, 字母w脱落,见undulate, 波动的。字面意思为水漫过堤岸的,后指大量的。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:abound 词源,abound 含义。
词根词缀:ab-加强意义 + -o-中缀 + -und-溢出
虽然很像,但它和bound(受约束的)在词源上没有关系。前缀ab-表“away,远离”;词根ound(又作und)表“flow,流动”;所以字面义就是“flow away,流失,流走”。模仿的是水充满而外溢的画面,感性地表现出“丰富”的含义。undulate(波动)。