- abbot

- abbot: [OE] Abbot comes ultimately from abbā, a Syriac word meaning ‘father’ (which itself achieved some currency in English, particularly in reminiscence of its biblical use: ‘And he said, Abba, father, all things are possible unto thee’, Mark 14:36). This came into Greek as abbás, and thence, via the Latin accusative abbatem, into Old English as abbud or abbod.
The French term abbé (which is much less specific in meaning than English abbot) comes from the same source. In much the same way as father is used in modern English for priests, abba was widely current in the East for referring to monks, and hence its eventual application to the head of a monastery. A derivative of Latin abbatem was abbatia, which has given English both abbacy [15] and (via Old French abbeie) abbey [13]. Abbess is of similar antiquity (Latin had abbatissa).
=> abbess, abbey - abbot (n.)

- Old English abbod "abbot," from Latin abbatem (nominative abbas), from Greek abbas, from Aramaic abba, title of honor, literally "the father, my father," emphatic state of abh "father." The Latin fem. abbatissa is root of abbess.
英语单词abbot指的是男修道院院长,是这一职位的专门称呼,来自阿拉姆语中的abba,意思就是“父亲”。阿拉姆语属于闪米特语族,是古代中东的通用语言和波斯帝国的官方语言,基督教《圣经》的《旧约全书》 中有一部分就是用阿拉姆语写的,历史传说认为,耶稣也使用阿拉姆语的一种方言。
abbot: ['æbət] n.男修道院院长
abbe:['æbi, 'ɑ:bə] n.神父、僧侣、修士、男修道院院长
abbey: ['æbɪ] n.大修道院,修道院中全体修士或修女
abbess: ['æbes] n.女修道院院长
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:abbot 词源,abbot 含义。
来自希腊语 abbas,来自亚拉姆语 abba(阿爸、神父),很显然这是一个拟声词,由于修道院是为天主教培训神父的学院,而该词就表示修道院的男性院长,即:男修道院院长,与之相对应的是 abbess(女修道院院长)。同源词:abba(阿爸、神父)、abbey(修道院)、 abbess(女修道院院长)。