- abacus

- abacus: [17] Abacus comes originally from a Hebrew word for ‘dust’, ’ābāq. This was borrowed into Greek with the sense of ‘drawing board covered with dust or sand’, on which one could draw for, among other purposes, making mathematical calculations. The Greek word, ábax, subsequently developed various other meanings, including ‘table’, both in the literal sense and as a mathematical table.
But it was as a ‘dust-covered board’ that its Latin descendant, abacus, was first used in English, in the 14th century. It was not until the 17th century that the more general sense of a counting board or frame came into use, and the more specific ‘counting frame with movable balls’ is later still.
- abacus (n.)

- late 14c., "sand table for drawing, calculating, etc.," from Latin abacus, from Greek abax (genitive abakos) "counting table," from Hebrew abaq "dust," from root a-b-q "to fly off." Originally a drawing board covered with dust or sand that could be written on to do mathematical equations. Specific reference to a counting frame is 17c. or later.
古代希腊人等很早就学会了使用表面覆盖有细沙的平板来进行书写、画图和计算,尤其是在教育中供学生使用。考古学家挖掘出土的一个古希腊花瓶上的绘画中,就描绘了波斯国王大流士一世的司库官利用沙板计算贡品的场面。后来,这种沙板逐渐演变,增加了算珠、柱子或沟槽等,甚至连沙子也取消了,变成了算板、算盘,如古罗马的槽式算盘(Roman abacus),它是一种带槽的金属算盘,槽中放着石子,上下移动石子进行计算。
abacus:['æbəkəs] n.算盘,算板
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:abacus 词源,abacus 含义。
来自拉丁语 abacus,而拉丁语又来自于希腊语 abax, 表示 counting board(计算板)之意,后用于表示“算盘”,而算盘一般认为是中国人发明的。
abacus 算盘
一般认为算盘乃中国人所发明,但其英语对应名称abacus却来源于希腊语abax,原先就有“计算板”counting board之意。