- jealous

- jealous: [13] Etymologically, jealousy and zeal are two sides of the same coin. Both come ultimately from Greek zelos. This passed into post-classical Latin as zēlus, which later produced the adjective zēlōsus. Old French took this over as gelos or jelous and passed it on to English. The Greek word denoted ‘jealousy’ as well as ‘fervour, enthusiasm’, and it is this strand of meaning that has come down to us in jealous. Jalousie, incidentally, the French equivalent of jealousy, was borrowed into English in the 19th century in the sense ‘blind, shutter’ – the underlying notion apparently being that one can look through the slats without oneself being seen.
=> zeal - zeal

- zeal: [14] Zeal is closely related to jealousy. It comes via late Latin zēlus from Greek zélos ‘fervour, jealousy’. The medieval Latin derivative zēlōsus has left English a double legacy: zealous [16] and (via Old French) jealous.
=> jealous - jealous (adj.)

- c. 1200, gelus, later jelus (early 14c.), "possessive and suspicious," originally in the context of sexuality or romance; in general use late 14c.; also in a more positive sense, "fond, amorous, ardent," from c. 1300, from Old French jalos "keen, zealous; avaricious; jealous" (12c., Modern French jaloux), from Late Latin zelosus, from zelus "zeal," from Greek zelos, sometimes "jealousy," but more often in a good sense ("emulation, rivalry, zeal"). See zeal. In biblical language (early 13c.) "tolerating no unfaithfulness."
Most of the words for 'envy' ... had from the outset a hostile force, based on 'look at' (with malice), 'not love,' etc. Conversely, most of those which became distinctive terms for 'jealousy' were originally used also in a good sense, 'zeal, emulation.' [Buck, pp.1138-9]
Among the ways to express this in other tongues are Swedish svartsjuka, literally "black-sick," from phrase bara svarta strumpor "wear black stockings," also "be jealous." Danish skinsyg "jealous," literally "skin-sick," is from skind "hide, skin" said to be explained by Swedish dialectal expression fa skinn "receive a refusal in courtship." - zeal (n.)

- "passionate ardor in pursuit of an objective or course of action," late 14c., from Old French zel (Modern French zèle) and directly from Late Latin zelus "zeal, emulation" (source also of Italian zelo, Spanish celo), a Church word, from Greek zelos "ardor, eager rivalry, emulation," "a noble passion" [Liddell & Scott], but also "jealousy;" prom PIE *ya- "to seek, request, desire." From mid-15c. as "devotion."
- zealot (n.)

- early 14c., "member of a militant 1st century Jewish sect which fiercely resisted the Romans in Palestine," from Late Latin zelotes, from Greek zelotes "one who is a zealous follower," from zeloun "to be zealous," from zelos "zeal" (see zeal). Extended sense of "a fanatical enthusiast" first recorded 1630s (earlier in this sense was zelator, mid-15c.).
- zealous (adj.)

- 1520s, from Medieval Latin zelosus "full of zeal" (source of Italian zeloso, Spanish celoso), from zelus (see zeal). Related: Zealously, zealousness.
泽洛斯(Zelos)是希腊神话中的竞争女神,是拟人化的 “好胜”和“竞争”。她是泰坦神帕拉斯(Pallas)和斯梯克斯(Styx)的女儿,也是尼克(胜利女神)、比亚(暴力之神)和克拉托斯(力量之神)的姐妹。泽洛斯的名字Zelos在希腊语中表示“争强好胜”,往好的方面说就是“热情、充满斗志、干劲十足”,往坏的方面说就是“嫉妒、攀比”。英语中不少单词都来源于此,有时候褒义色彩较浓,如zeal(热情、热忱),有时候贬义色彩较浓,如jealous(嫉妒的)。
zeal: [ziːl] n.热情,热诚,热心
zealous: ['zeləs] adj.热情的,热心的,狂热的
zealot:['zelət] n.狂热者,犹太教狂热信徒
jealous: ['dʒeləs] adj.妒忌的,猜疑的,唯恐失去的
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Zelos 词源,Zelos 含义。