- Y

- a late-developing letter in English. Called ipsilon in German, upsilon in Greek, the English name is of obscure origin. The sound at the beginning of yard, yes, yield, etc. is from Old English words with initial g- as in got and y- as in yet, which were considered the same sound and often transcribed as Ȝ, known as yogh. The system was altered by French scribes, who brought over the continental use of -g- and from the early 1200s used -y- and sometimes -gh- to replace Ȝ. As short for YMCA, etc., by 1915.
英语字母 Y 来自希腊字母upsilon,,来自腓尼基字母Waw,钉子,门把手,小钩,并由该腓尼基字母衍生出F,U,V,W,Y五个现代英语字母。
Y可以说是从V派生而来,但若究其根源Y可以追溯到希腊语中被称为毕达哥拉斯字母(the letter of Pythagoras)的Υ (upsilon)。在代数学中Y常被用以表示第二个未知数。(参见A,V)
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Y 词源,Y 含义。