- xerox

- xerox: [20] Greek xērós meant ‘dry’ (it may be the ultimate source of English elixir, and is perhaps distantly related to English serene and serenade). From it was derived in the 1940s the term xerography, which denotes a process of photographic reproduction that does not involve the use of liquid developers. And xerography in turn formed the basis of xerox, which was registered as a trademark for the process in 1952 by the Haloid Company of Rochester, New York (later renamed the Xerox Corporation).
=> elixir, serenade, serene - Xerox

- 1952, trademark taken out by Haloid Co. of Rochester, N.Y., for a copying device, from xerography. The verb is first attested 1965, from the noun, despite strenuous objection from the Xerox copyright department. Related: Xeroxed; Xeroxing.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Xerox 词源,Xerox 含义。
这是专有名词转化为普通名词的又一例。美国物理学家卡尔森(Chester F. Carlson, 1906-1968)于1938年发明了静电复印术,1940年取得了专利。此后四年中他一直试图说服别人购买并继续发展他的发明,但未能成功,先后被20多家公司拒绝。
1947年哈罗伊德(Haloid)公司取得静电复印术的商业权利,“静电复印术”在英语中作xerography,它源于希腊词xēròs 'dry'(干燥)。基于xerography产生的Xerox在1952年注册为商标。1958年该公司制出了第一台公文复印机,并在此后大批生产。1961年该公司易名为Xerox公司,汉译常作“施乐公司”。