- Thursday

- Thursday: [OE] The Romans called the fourth day of the week diēs Iovis ‘Jupiter’s day’. When the Germanic peoples took over their system of naming days after the gods, or the planets they represented, they replaced Jupiter, the Roman sky-god, with the Germanic god of thunder, Thor, whose name comes from the same source as English thunder. This produced a prehistoric Germanic *thonaras daga-, which evolved into Old English thunresdæg. The modern form Thursday is partly due to association with Old Norse thórsdagr.
=> thunder - Thursday (n.)

- fifth day of the week, Old English þurresdæg, a contraction (perhaps influenced by Old Norse þorsdagr) of þunresdæg, literally "Thor's day," from Þunre, genitive of Þunor "Thor" (see thunder (n.)); from Proto-Germanic *thonaras daga (cognates: Old Frisian thunresdei, Middle Dutch donresdach, Dutch donderdag, Old High German Donares tag, German Donnerstag, Danish and Swedish Torsdag "Thursday"), a loan-translation of Latin Jovis dies "day of Jupiter."
Roman Jupiter was identified with the Germanic Thor. The Latin word is the source of Italian giovedi, Old French juesdi, French jeudi, Spanish jueves, and is itself a loan-translation of Greek dios hemera "the day of Zeus."
托尔Thor是北欧神话中的雷神,掌管战争和农业。他是主神奥丁的长子,其母为大地 女神。他是神族中最为强壮的勇士,具有呼风唤雨的能力。他的职责是保护诸神国度的安全和在人间巡视农作。相传每当雷雨交加时,就是托尔乘坐马车出来巡视, 因此北欧人称呼托尔为“雷神”。托尔的武器是一只可以发出致命闪电的大铁锤,其实就是雷电的象征。无论托尔把这只铁锤扔出去多远,它总是会像回旋飞镖一样 飞回托尔的手上。另外,他还拥有一条能够提升力量的腰带。
Thor:[θɔ:] n.雷神托尔
Thursday:['θə:zdi; -dei]n.星期四
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Thursday 词源,Thursday 含义。
古斯堪的纳维亚语中的雷神是Thor,拉丁语中的雷神日(dies Jovis)在古斯堪的纳维亚语中就成了Thuresdaeg→Thursday。
来自古英语 thurresdaeg,星期四,字面意思即 Thor's Day,雷神索尔日。
来自古英语 thurresdaeg,星期四,字面意思即 Thor's Day,雷神索尔日。