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osprey: [15] Etymologically, the osprey is simply a ‘bird of prey’. Its name comes from ospreit, the Old French descendant of Vulgar Latin *avispreda, which in turn was a conflation of Latin avis praedae ‘bird of prey’ (avis is the source of English augur, auspice, aviary, and aviation, and praeda is the ancestor of English prey).

The specific association with the ‘osprey’ came about in Old French through confusion with the coincidentally similar osfraie ‘osprey’. This meant etymologically ‘bone-breaker’. It came from Latin ossifraga, a compound formed from os ‘bone’ (source of English ossify [18]) and frangere ‘break’ (source of English fracture, fragment, etc).

It was originally applied to the lammergeier, a large vulture, in allusion to its habit of dropping its prey from a great height on to rocks beneath in order to break its bones, but was subsequently also used for the osprey.

=> aviary, prey



Palau在帕劳语中拼为Belau,该词可能来自帕劳语beluu,村庄;也可能来自词语aibebelau,“indirect replies”,与一个创世神话有关。国名Palau一开始在西班牙语中是Los Palaos,接着传入德语,形式变为Palau,最后传入英语(一开始拼为Pelew)。印尼语有个单词Pulau,意为海岛,但与帕劳无关。

该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Palau 词源,Palau 含义。