- Damocles

- courtier of Dionysius I, tyrant of Syracuse; his name in Greek means literally "fame of the people," from demos, damos "people" (see demotic) + -kles "fame," a common ending in Greek proper names (as in Sophocles, Pericles), from PIE *klew-es, from root *kleu- "to hear" (see listen). To teach Damocles how a tyrant lives, Dionysius seated him at a banquet with a sword suspended above his head by a single hair.
来自古希腊城邦Syracuse的大臣Damocles,他很羡慕他的国王Dionysius的权力和生活,Dionysius知道后,一次在宴会上安排他坐在主座,但是在他的头上悬挂着一根头发丝系的长剑,并告诫他不要只看到国王辉煌的表相,却没有看到背后的危险。其字面意思为damos, 人民,词源同demotic. -kles,名声,词源同listen, incline.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Damocles 词源,Damocles 含义。