- Celsius

- Celsius: [19] The notion of a temperature scale based on 100 was developed by the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–44) (he originally had water boiling at zero and freezing at 100º, but this was later reversed). His name began to be used to designate the scale in English around the middle of the 19th century. In popular parlance it has usually taken a back seat to centigrade (a French invention, first recorded in English in 1812), but it remains the preferred term in scientific usage.
- Celsius

- 1850, for Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744) inventor of the centigrade scale in 1742.
以其发明者18世纪瑞典科学家Anders Celsius命名。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Celsius 词源,Celsius 含义。
我们常用的摄氏温标是由瑞典科学家安德斯·摄尔修斯(Anders Celsius,1701~1744)发明的。摄尔修斯是瑞典著名的物理学家和气象学家。1742年,他在总结前人经验的基础上创立了摄氏温标。他把水银温度计插人正在熔解的雪中,定出冰点作为一个标准温度点;然后又把温度计插入沸腾的水中,定出沸点作为另一个标准温度点。并把冰点和沸点之间等分100度,所以摄氏温标又叫百分温标。1948年在巴黎召开的第九届国际计量大会把百分温标正式命名为“摄氏温标”,并用摄尔修斯的名字Celsius作为摄氏温标的单位,称为“摄氏度”,用℃表示。
Celsius:['selsɪəs] n.摄氏度adj.摄氏的