- Bulgaria (n.)

- Medieval Latin, from Bulgari "Bulgarians," perhaps literally "the men from the Bolg," the River Volga, upon whose banks they lived until 6c. But the people's name for themselves in Old Bulgarian was Blugarinu, according to OED, which suggests a different origin. In other sources [such as Room], the name is said to be ultimately from Turkic bulga "mixed," in reference to the nature of this people of Turko-Finnish extraction but Slavic language.
保加利亚的国名Bulgarian来自其主体民族Bulgar (保加尔人)。保加尔人可归属为匈奴人或西突厥人的一支,曾经在南俄草原的伏尔加(Volga)河畔长期生活,其名称Bulgar的 含义很可能就是“来自伏尔加的人”。
公元七世纪中叶保加尔人由于被其他部落击败,在其首领库尔特((Kurt)的率领下迀徙 至多瑙河下游南岸。公元679年库尔特率领保加尔人联合当地七个南斯拉夫人部落,共同打 败东罗马帝国皇帝君士坦丁四世的进攻,迫使其言和,夺取了东罗马帝国的多瑙河下游南岸 一带土地,从而建立了保加利亚王国。建国后,保加尔人与当地斯拉夫人通婚融合,诞生了后来的保加利亚人(Bulgarian),其文化己经大部分斯拉夫化。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Bulgaria 词源,Bulgaria 含义。