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- pidgin

- pidgin: [19] A pidgin is a reduced form of language used for communication between speech communities which do not share the same native language. A characteristic of such languages is that words in the base language from which the pidgin evolved become altered. And this is how the word pidgin itself arose. It comes from pidgin English, an alteration of business English in the commercial pidgin used in Far Eastern ports in the mid-19th century.
=> business
用于习语not have a Buckley’s chance, 机会渺茫。来自英国19世纪罪犯William Buckley , 因犯偷盗罪被流放到当时还属蛮荒的澳大利亚14年。但是Buckley中途逃脱,并与当地的土著人生活在一起。与此同时,外人皆以为Buckley已暴毙荒野。因而产生该习语。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Buckley 词源,Buckley 含义。